FIC: "Compromises" 1/1 (Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban) PG-13

May 08, 2012 09:41

Title: "Compromises" 1/1
Authors: Brenda & Jo (azewewish & idiosyncratic)
Featuring: Harry Sinclair/Karl Urban (Orlando Bloom, Katie McGrath)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Vampires still don't exist. And Katie's still not Orlando's nurse.
Summary: Orlando gets news on his recovery, and Harry and Karl have a long overdue discussion. Takes place about four months after Unexpected.

"Well?" Orlando asked, the second Katie pulled the stethoscope away. Karl had to bite back the laugh at Orlando's impatience.

Katie just offered a mysterious smile and tucked a flyaway strand of hair behind her ear. "Put your shirt back on and we'll talk."

"You're doing this deliberately to torture me," Orlando grumbled as he shrugged back into his henley.


"You should know better than to rush her," Karl pointed out, amused at both Orlando's eagerness and Katie's calm.

Orlando glared at Karl. "Oi, you're supposed to be taking my side on this."

"A smart man never sides against a beautiful woman in an argument," Karl replied with a wink over Katie's bright burst of laughter.

"God, you really are a marvelous politician, aren't you," she mused, then patted Orlando's knee as she sat on the edge of the coffee table. "Alright, you want the good news first or the bad news?"

Orlando pursed his lips in thought and scooted closer to Karl on the sofa. "Bad, I suppose. Let's get it out of the way."

"Well, your blood pressure's still a little elevated, so I still want you on the Lozol for the foreseeable future until we get that under control. And you're not where you should be, cardio-wise, so we need to get you back on track with your physical therapy."

"And the good news?"

Katie grinned. "You're almost 100%, kiddo. I'd say another two, maybe three months, tops, before you're back to your normal, mortal levels. Just stay on track with the meds and physio."

For a long moment, Orlando just sat there. Then his eyes narrowed slightly as he gave her a suspicious look. "Are you taking the piss?"

"Would I do that about something so important?"

"You're really serious," he stated softly, a smile forming when Katie nodded. "Two or three months?"

"Maybe less. Just do what you're told. I'll set up a new routine for your therapy to see if we can't get you where you need to be sooner."

Orlando was so still that Karl was startled when he flung himself off the sofa and wrapped Katie in a tight hug. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou," he breathed into her hair, and Karl gave into the laughter as Katie tried to untangle herself.

"Stop that, you're being completely undignified."

"Screw dignity, I'm getting my fangs back soon!" Orlando hooted, and gave Katie a loud, smacking kiss on the cheek, which she promptly scrubbed off.

"Oh my God, you're like a toddler. Sit down or molest Karl or something," she laughed, and gently shoved him off of her. Karl just watched as Orlando bounced on the balls of his feet and directed his wide grin in Karl's direction.

"You know what this means, right?"

"I'm almost afraid to ask," Karl drawled, even though he was thrilled and relieved that Orlando had come through the unmaking with flying colors, and in just a little over a year.

"We can have threesome sex again," Orlando replied, with an exaggerated waggle of his eyebrows.

Katie just groaned. "I really didn't need to hear that. And definitely take it easy if you're planning on both Harry and Karl at once. Remember what I said about your cardio not being up to snuff just yet."

"Take it easy, she says," Orlando snorted, still bouncing. "As if I could do otherwise. Have you met Harry's protective streak?"

"I'm going to enjoy watching you try to convince him you're ready for the threesome," Karl said. "A week's pay says he finds some reason to leave town."

"My pay or yours?" Orlando asked.

"Mine if I lose," Karl said, chuckling at the speculative gleam that entered Orlando's eyes.

"And on that note," Katie said before Orlando could reply, "I'm going to head out. Do let me know if he loses that bet."

"Done," Karl said and stood, wrapping Katie in a heartfelt hug. "Thank you," he whispered. He knew he and Harry would never be able to fully repay her for everything she'd done for them and for Orlando.

She patted his cheek when she pulled back. "Anytime," she replied, just as softly, then turned to Orlando. "And I expect you to make your physio appointment first thing tomorrow."

Orlando snapped off a salute. "Yes ma'am."

"Smartass," she lamented. "And don't forget you need to get in shape so you can take me dancing."

"Deal," Orlando replied, then hugged her again, this time with a little more decorum. Karl couldn't hear what they said to each other (not that he was trying), but they were both laughing when they parted.

"Make sure he stays out of trouble," Katie told Karl, pointing a warning finger in his direction.

"That's Harry's job, not mine," Karl grinned.

"And thank God someone's keeping an eye on you two," she replied, then waved her way out of the door.

"So what's this about taking her dancing?" Karl asked, once they were alone and he'd resumed his seat.

"Oh, just, y'know, a deal we made. If I did what she said as far as my physical therapy and taking my meds, she'd go dancing with me."

"On a date?"

"No, not a date! God. She's like my sister." He gave a theatrical shudder, then dropped onto the sofa to sprawl halfway across Karl's lap. "It's just that she is willing to go dancing with me and no one else will."

"I go with you all the time," Karl pointed out, catching Orlando's hand when it waved in a dismissive gesture.

"No, you take me out to dance, but you don't actually dance with me. Not unless you're horny. Then there's not much dancing involved."

"I think you've mistaken me for Harry."

"No, Harry won't even take me out unless I pester him to death for weeks. He definitely doesn't dance. Ever." Going silent, Orlando chewed his bottom lip. When he slid a sidelong glance at Karl, Karl eyed him with more than a little suspicion. "Speaking of Harry...can I ask you something?"

"Of course," Karl replied, toying with the ends of Orlando's hair.

Orlando was quiet for another moment, then he took a deep breath and slowly let it out. When he glanced up, he looked troubled. "Is he angry with me?"

Of all the absurd questions... "Of course not, why would you think that?"

Orlando shrugged, but leaned back into Karl's touch. "No reason, I feels like he's been avoiding being alone with me lately."

"How so?" Harry hadn't seemed much different to him, but then, he hadn't seen much of Harry in the last few weeks himself. He'd put it down to their busy schedules, but maybe there was something going on at work and he'd just missed it.

Orlando sighed. "I dunno, it just seems like the more progress I've been making in getting back to normal, the more withdrawn he's gotten. Like, he's happy for me and has been encouraging me and all that, but he's just's like he's following a script, not like he really means it. And we haven't even talked about a timeframe yet for him giving me the Gift."

Karl frowned. Nothing Orlando was describing sounded like Harry at all. Harry was always prepared, and always willing to talk. "Maybe he's simply waiting until Katie gives the all clear. Besides, you know he can't offer. You have to ask."

The look Orlando gave him was priceless. "I know that," Orlando said, slowly, enunciating each word as if he was talking to an idiot. There was a slight pause, then Orlando looked away. "And I did ask about it. Last night."

"What did he say?"

"He acted like he didn't hear me at first. But that's bullshit, because he's a freakin' vampire, you guys could hear a butterfly flap its wings in the next state. And when I repeated the question, he said we'd talk about it later."

Interesting. Harry hadn't mentioned any of that when Karl had talked to him earlier tonight. He resisted the impulse to reach out to Harry through their bond, choosing instead to focus on Orlando. "Well, Katie hasn't -"

"I specifically asked if we could talk about him giving me the Gift as soon as Katie clears me," Orlando snapped before taking a deep breath. "I wasn't asking for him to give it to me last night or today or even tomorrow. But we know now it's just a matter of a couple of months now before I'll be ready."

"Maybe he just..." Karl trailed off, at a loss for words. For once, he had no idea what Harry was thinking. It was a disconcerting thought.

"Do you know it took me over a week to convince him to touch me after Katie cleared me for sex?"

Karl shook his head. He'd almost forgotten how fast Orlando changed subjects when he was upset about something. Or several somethings, in this case. "I know he wanted to take it slow," he admitted. "You, of all people, know how protective he gets."

"There's protective and then there's just plain pig-headedness," Orlando retorted, then sagged against Karl like a puppet whose strings have been cut. His next words were said in a small, unsure voice. "What if he's changed his mind?"

Karl hugged Orlando to him, trying to comfort him both with touch and through their bond. "I don't think he's changed his mind," he said, with an assurance he was far from feeling. "He wouldn't have let you go through with the unmaking if he hadn't been planning on giving you the Gift."

"Well, yes, but what if -?"

"No buts." Karl smoothed the wrinkles between Orlando's brows. "If he's having reservations, it's probably just the timing or some other matter. I can talk to him, if you like." If there was an issue, it was best Karl know about it up front.

"I hate asking you to," Orlando sighed, snuggling closer and pressing his face against the curve of Karl's neck. "But he's not talking to me, at least not about anything important."

"Orlando, you didn't ask," Karl said, pressing a soft kiss to Orlando's forehead. "I offered."

"I know. I just..." Orlando made a noise and shook his head. "I'm sorry. Would you? Talk to him, I mean."

"I'll do it tonight. In fact, why don't you see if Elijah or Dom is available? You go out for a few hours, give me some time alone with him."

Orlando sat up so fast that it was only quick reflexes that kept Karl from getting hit in the face. "You think he won't talk if I'm here?"

"No, I think he might not talk as much if you're here." Karl held up a hand when Orlando opened his mouth. "You have my word that I'll tell you what happens."

"Alright," Orlando conceded, with another sigh. "I mean...actually, scratch that, no way am I going to suggest to you how you should talk to Harry."

Karl couldn't help the grin. "If I haven't figured out how to get him to open up by now..."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, that's why I shut my mouth," Orlando interrupted, then gave Karl a quick kiss before reaching for his cell phone. "I'll give Dom and Josh a call. Get us all out of your hair for the night."

"Actually, Josh has a gig, if you and Dom were interested in maybe going to see him. His band has a residency at Hotel Café for the next few weeks," Karl offered. He'd actually been planning on going himself tonight, but he knew Josh would understand why he would be bowing out.

"They do? That wanker didn't tell me," Orlando said, giving his phone a dark look. Karl almost asked what the phone had done, but swallowed the words. "I'll see if Lij wants to go, too. Maybe he'll bring his new girlfriend."

"Elijah has a new girlfriend?" Come to think of it, Karl hadn't been aware that Elijah'd had an old girlfriend.

Orlando nodded as he scrolled through his contact list. "Couple months now, but he hasn't brought her 'round yet."

"Maybe he's afraid you'll steal her," Karl teased, chuckling as Orlando flipped him off and started talking as soon as Dom answered the phone.

Karl listened to Orlando's half of the conversation for a few seconds, then reached out to Harry. //Puppy?//

Harry's reply was immediate and exasperated. //I'll be there in 10 minutes, I promise. The 405 was a nightmare.//

//Then you'll be in time to see Orlando off for the evening.//

//See him off? Where's he going?//

//I think he said something about joining Dom and Elijah to go see Josh's band play// Karl replied, carefully not mentioning that it had been his idea, not Orlando's.

//I take it that Katie had only good news, then?//

//We'll fill you in when you get here// Karl promised, then turned his attention back to Orlando, who'd hung up with Dom and was getting to his feet.

"Suppose I should get changed."

Karl eyed him critically. "It's Hollywood. Pajama pants wouldn't be the strangest thing you could be seen wearing."

"If you're angling to be a comedian, don't quit your day job," Orlando replied, with a roll of his eyes.

"Why don't you wear the pale yellow silk shirt," Karl suggested, standing and sliding an arm around Orlando's waist to pull him close. "It looks lovely against your skin."

"I haven't worn that one in a while." His smile was slow, lazy, and did things to Karl that had their bond humming. "Now unless you plan on sending me out of the house rumpled and smelling of sex..."

"Would that be such a bad thing?" Dipping his head, Karl slid his mouth along Orlando's throat, letting his fangs graze over the pulse point. He smiled when skin pebbled beneath his lips.

"No..." Orlando's voice was gratifyingly breathless, and Karl dipped his head to claim a kiss. When they finally parted, Karl approved of the flush staining Orlando's cheeks.

"Go get dressed, love. Harry will be here soon." And then Orlando could give Harry the good news while Karl paid close attention to Harry's reaction.

"Dressed?" Orlando blinked, looking more than a little dazed. Then he frowned and shoved at Karl's shoulder. "Oi, stop that!"

"No, I don't think I will," Karl replied, and ran a light finger along Orlando's collarbone. "Not until you stop reacting in such a delightful manner."

"Anyone ever tell you you don't play fair?" Orlando grumbled.

Karl tapped the end of Orlando's nose. "You, all the time." Then he flicked his gaze to the door. "Now, unless you really do want to go out like that..."

"I'm going, I'm going." With another swift kiss, Orlando headed up to the bedroom. Karl stayed in the library to wait for Harry, taking the down time to fix himself - and Harry - a drink and prepare his strategy. He would have to handle Harry carefully if he wanted to get to the bottom of whatever was bothering him. Harry was stubborn and recalcitrant even in the best of times.

"I hope you made one for me."

Speak of the devil... Karl simply pushed the other glass across the bar and watched as Harry strode into the room, briefcase in hand, suit jacket off, tie undone and top two buttons of his shirt already loosened. His hair was loose, the way Karl liked it best, but Karl could tell that Harry'd raked his hands through it one too many times, most likely in frustration. And he was definitely still feeling the effects of the drive, if the stress lines bracketing his mouth were any indication.

"Thanks," Harry said, and saluted Karl with the glass before draining it in two long swallows. He set the glass back on the bar, and motioned to Karl. "Another."

"That bad?" Karl asked, wincing in sympathy when Harry just nodded.

"Between this fucking deal and the fucking traffic, it's a wonder I haven't killed anyone today. How's Orlando doing?" Harry looked around the room. "Where is he?"

"Upstairs changing clothes." Karl moved from behind the bar and brushed a kiss of welcome across Harry's lips. Maybe they could go a round or two in the ring before talking, he thought to himself. Harry might be in a better frame of mind once he worked off some of his aggravation.

Sipping his second drink, Harry dropped onto the sofa and pulled Karl down with him. "He's in a good mood, if the bond's anything to go by," Harry noted, looking up at the ceiling. "I take it Katie had good news then."

"I'll let him tell you," Karl said, twisting to face Harry, one hand playing with the ends of dark hair. They spent several minutes in silence, simply enjoying being together, then Orlando returned.

"You're home," he said, giving Harry a small smile and leaning to brush a light kiss across Harry's mouth. It didn't escape Karl's notice that Harry merely trailed his fingers over Orlando's wrist instead of pulling him down for a longer, more thorough kiss like he usually did. "I'm taking the Viper tonight."

"Of course you are," Karl commented, as Orlando dropped into a chair and stretched his legs out.

Orlando just grinned. "I'm picking Dom up, and Lij is going to meet us at the club. Which means he's bringing the girlfriend. And Dom said Sean might drop in a little later to join us."

"Elijah has a girlfriend?" It was nice to see Harry as surprised as he'd been. Karl just smiled into his drink.

"So he says."

"Interesting," Harry mused, then gave Orlando an expectant look. "What'd Katie have to report?"

"She said I'm doing really well."

"That's good," Harry said, and Karl could practically feel the bond the two of them glow. It was clear that Harry was proud of Orlando, and Karl started to wonder if maybe Orlando hadn't simply overreacted.

"Two months," Orlando continued, head down, but Karl could see him looking at Harry through his lashes. "She said I'll be 100% in two months, three at the most, if I follow her instructions and keep up with my physio."

"Two months?" Something in Harry's voice made the hairs on the back of Karl's neck stand on end.

Orlando shifted in the chair. "So what we talked about last night -"

If Karl hadn't still been watching Harry closely, he'd have missed it. The slight tightening of his lips, the slight tensing of his shoulders. "I thought we agreed to talk about it later, when you were fully recovered," Harry said and, even though his tone was mild enough, Karl caught the steel behind it.

Orlando's eyes flashed. "We didn't agree to anything, you just -"

"Maybe right now's not the best time for this conversation," Karl interrupted smoothly, giving Orlando a quick warning look. //You don't want to start a fight you can't win, little one.//

Orlando nodded imperceptibly. //You see what I mean now, though, right?//

//I do and I'll get to the bottom of it. But for now, you need to relax and take the night off, and trust me to handle Harry.//

//Alright.// Orlando smiled then, a little strained, but at least he was trying. "You're right, Karl," he said aloud. "We have time to work out the logistics of everything else."

"Right now, the important thing is that you're feeling better," Harry said, with his own smile that a blind man could have seen was strained. "Enjoy your night out tonight."

"I will." Orlando gave his watch a pointed look, then shoved out of his chair. "In fact, I need to go. Don't wait up for me."

"Wouldn't dream of it," Karl said, and received a warm smile from Orlando. That smile slipped a little when Orlando looked at Harry, but he left the room without saying another word.

"Harry -"

"Don't start," Harry said, biting off each word, "this is not -"

"Would you let me finish?" Karl asked, keeping calm as he watched Harry's body coil like a spring. When Harry gestured, Karl continued, "I was going to ask if you wanted to work off a little of your aggression. It's been awhile since we've sparred."

Harry's eyes narrowed in speculation, but Karl was pleased to see that he relaxed his shoulders. "A generous offer."

"Perhaps I simply want the opportunity to beat some sense into you."

"That would be a neat trick, seeing as how it's never worked when I've tried to beat some sense into you."

"Touché," Karl admitted, with a rueful grin. "But the offer is still open. And, make no mistake, we will be talking after."

"There's nothing to talk about. I won't be pressured, by either Orlando or you, into rushing this."

"I'm pressuring you?" Karl gave Harry a long look, letting some of his irritation bleed into their bond. "Orlando is pressuring you? And how is that?"

"I thought we were sparring now and talking later."

Karl snorted. "Of course," he muttered, standing. "Change out of that suit and meet me in the gym in five."

"Still planning on beating some sense into me?" Harry asked, voice deceptively soft. Karl didn't miss the dangerous undertone in that silky purr.

"As hard and as long as I need to in order to make you talk about whatever the hell the problem is now," Karl said, and stalked from the room. It was, he thought, fairly good as parting comments went.

//You don't have that much stamina, old man.//

Damn it.


Karl was still riding a wave of righteous annoyance and temper when he strode into the gym, clad only in a pair of ratty shorts that had seen much better days, his hair ruthlessly pulled back into a ponytail. Harry had beaten him down the stairs, and was already warming up on one of the speed bags, his fists a blur. He was clad identically to Karl, in a worn pair of shorts, barefoot, with his hair also pulled back. For once, Karl didn't stop to admire the explosive grace that was Harry in motion, although he was self-aware enough to know that most of his irritation was on Orlando's behalf and not his own.

Harry finished his reps and stretched his neck as he turned towards Karl. "You sure you want to do this?"

"Don't push me," Karl warned, doing his own stretches. "Pissing me off isn't going to make me forget that we need to talk."

"I never thought it would. I hope you're not suggesting that I'd resort to something so passive-aggressive."

"It's either that or you're trying to piss me off just for the hell of it, which isn't much better," Karl replied, and stepped into the ring, Harry right behind him.

"Maybe I just like pissing you off," Harry commented, with a feral, fuck you grin. "You fight better when you're mad."

"That's because passion and action go hand in hand. Unlike you, I refuse to separate the two with that Zen bushido bullshit."

"No, you never had the patience for it, did you?" Harry stood perfectly still in the center of the ring, tracking Karl's movements with his eyes. "Are you planning on fighting, or were you going to talk me to death?"

Karl just held up his hand and made a come on motion, refusing to let Harry goad him into throwing the first punch. If Harry wanted this fight, he'd have to be the one to initiate. (Never mind that sparring had been his idea. Semantics.)

Harry didn't disappoint. In one, fast blur, he crossed the ring and jabbed Karl's face, then followed with a quick elbow thrust that cracked Karl's nose hard enough he saw stars. He staggered back a step, ignored the blood trickling down his face, and countered with a scissor leg sweep that knocked Harry flat on his back. He was pleased to see that he'd managed to knock the wind out of Harry, even if it was only momentary.

After the initial test, the fight - and Karl was smart enough to know that's exactly what this was, "sparring", his ass - began in earnest. Harry'd clearly been brushing up on his Miuy Thai, and Karl felt every elbow to his face and ribs clear down to his toes. But he more than held his own, encountering with his own Jiu Jitsu moves (and inwardly thanking Sean for keeping at him the last few months to keep himself in fighting shape) and a few new things he'd picked up from some of the other fighters at the gym. He knew winning against Harry wasn't really an option (and hadn't been for centuries), but he was confident he could wear Harry down enough to call a truce.

Karl judged the passing of time by the number of bruises he collected and the amount of blood that slid over their skin with each new blow. Harry would attack, Karl would counter, and the fact that Karl refused to attack in kind was pissing Harry off in a major way. But Karl had never been afraid to fight dirty. He'd catch hell for his tactics later, but ethics and morals had never belonged in battle.

Twisting, Karl caught a punch on his shoulder and continued into the spin, planting his foot in Harry's stomach in a hard kick. //You know, puppy, the world won't end if you've changed your mind about Orlando. But you really should man up and tell him.//

The taunt surprised Harry just enough that Karl was able to land a solid upper-cut that snapped Harry's head back. Unfortunately, Karl was positive that he'd broken at least one knuckle with that shot. Damn good thing he healed fast.

//What the fuck are you talking about?// The question was followed by a kick that cracked at least one of Karl's ribs, maybe more, but he grabbed Harry's ankle and used Harry's momentum against him to push him backwards and drive him to the mat. Ignoring his own pain, Karl followed, landing a few punches to Harry's middle and sides before Harry worked his way out of Karl's hold.

Karl sprang to his feet, spit out a mouthful of blood. //You changing your mind about giving Orlando the Gift.//

"I haven't changed my mind," Harry said aloud, sounding more puzzled than anything else. He also stopped moving, hands loose at his sides. Karl could see purpling bruises along Harry's ribs and hips. They matched the one forming along his cheekbone.

"Haven't you?"

"No," Harry said, shaking his head. Then his gaze narrowed. "Did Orlando put you up to this?"

"If you haven't changed your mind, why are you shutting him out?" Karl countered. Best not to answer Harry's question just yet. And if Karl stayed on the attack verbally, there was a slight chance Harry would forget he'd asked it.

"Shutting him... Is this because I don't want to discuss giving him the Gift yet?" Harry made a growling sound deep in his throat and raked a hand through his hair, loosening the tie. "Damn it, Karl, he's not even 100% yet. I want him to get better first, and there's no rush!"

"So you won't even discuss it? You can't put off answering for long. You know this."

"I can put it off as long as I fucking well want to," Harry snapped, a muscle twitching in his jaw. "He shouldn't have asked so goddamn soon."

"You had to know he was going to start bugging you about it. It's all he's been able to think about since the unmaking."

Harry made another noise, then abruptly turned, stalking out of the ring. Karl cautiously followed, but kept some distance between them. "Talk to me, puppy. I know something's bothering you."

Harry twisted the cap off a bottle of water and emptied half of it over his head before drinking the other half. When he finally turned, Karl could see how troubled he looked. "I told him I wanted to take this slow," Harry finally said. "I told him I wanted us to use this time to fully explore the pet bond between us, to give it a chance to cement itself. I told him of my reluctance to create a fledgling and that I'd need time to get used to the idea. We talked about all of this before his fucking unmaking, even, and he agreed to all of it."

Karl took a step forward. He had no idea... "I didn't -"

"No, you wanted to stick your nose in it, so you'll shut up and listen." Harry waited a beat, then took a slow breath. "He knows how I feel. So if he chooses to ignore my concerns and my reluctance and my plea for time, then I will damn well ignore him until such a time as I see fit to address everything. I love him and I love you, but I will not be held hostage by that love, nor will I be ganged up on by both of you."

Karl swallowed the first words that sprang to his tongue and pinched the bridge of his nose. "We're not ganging up on you." He held up both hands and took a step back when Harry glared at him. "He sees this as you pulling away as he gets better. And since you wouldn't talk to him..."

"You thought I'd talk to you," Harry finished, and Karl shrugged. That summed it up without going into all the details. "Typical. The two of you are far more alike than you realize."

"Don't," Karl said, suddenly tired. "Did you honestly think he wouldn't ask for the Gift as soon as he realized he was physically able to go through with it, no matter what he promised you? You know him better than that."

"And he knows me better than to expect I'd cave to pressure," Harry said, and Karl could feel the anger boiling just at the edge of Harry's control.

A voice in his head told Karl that Harry's emotions were affecting his through their bond, but Karl ignored it. "Did you stop to think that maybe he asked so the two of you could discuss it and perhaps come to a mutual agreement that made you both happy?"

"Fuck you," Harry snarled. "I never wanted to be in this position, and you damn well know that. Have you even stopped to think how me being his Sire is going to change us?"

"What the hell are you talking about?"

"Our bond, old man. Did it ever occur to you that me having both the pet bond and the Sire/fledgling bond with Orlando might overwhelm the bond I have with you?"

Karl reeled back, stunned into speechlessness. He shook his head, trying to even imagine a scenario where his bond with Harry would be lessened, and couldn't. There was no way... And yet, all he and Harry had was their inexplicable bond with each other, strengthened only by their Sire/fledgling bond and the last eight centuries together. What if it wasn't enough to withstand the bonds Harry and Orlando would have?

"That's what I thought," Harry finally said, when Karl stayed silent. "Things are so much more complicated these days - you have your pet bonds to both Josh and Orlando, and I have the pet bond to Orlando and if...when...he and I finally have the Sire/fledgling bond, who know what will happen to ours? And the not knowing..."

"You're afraid," Karl said slowly, unable to believe what he was hearing. In all their centuries together, Karl had never known Harry to be truly afraid of anything.

Harry barked out a short, sharp laugh. "And you're not? Having a double bond with him could mean losing what we have. And I'm not willing to do that simply because the child has still not learned patience."

"Then go through the iunctum with me." The second the words were out of Karl's mouth, he paled. They'd only talked about this once, centuries ago, and Karl had vowed never to bring it up again. But all he could do was stand there and stare at Harry.

Harry flashed him a small smile, then let out a mirthless chuckle. "In my head again?"


"I've been trying to figure out a way to ask you without seeming like I was giving in to panic over what might happen."

"" Karl felt like something heavy was weighing on his chest. He couldn't breathe. "You wanted to ask me? But you never wanted..."

"I know." Harry scrubbed a hand over his face, then sat - wincing a little - on one of the steps leading to the ring, and patted the space beside him. "C'mon, sit before you faint."

Karl scoffed even as he settled himself beside Harry, careful of his still-healing ribs and his own bruises. They weren't quite touching, but they were close enough for Karl to feel Harry's warmth. As always, it seemed to calm him. "I've never fainted a day in my life."

"And that's the aristocrat I fell in love with," Harry remarked, then grew serious. "You know it's never been about you or how I felt about you, right? Why I never wanted to go through the ceremony?"

"I do," Karl answered, with a smile. One thing he'd never doubted in his long life was Harry's love for him. It was the foundation upon which everything else stood. "I always assumed it was because you didn't want to label what we had. You've never said, but I always thought a large part of you revered our unique status."

Harry snagged one of Karl's hands between his own. "I guess I never could keep a secret from you."

"Not in a very long time," Karl smiled. He raised their joined hands to press a soft kiss to Harry's knuckles.

"I never wanted to be that closely entwined with anyone," Harry said, leaning back on one elbow. "Not even you, as much as I love you. I never wanted to be...chained, I guess. Defined, in some way, by it."

"And you think a double bond with either myself or Orlando will chain you," Karl said, as he tried to sort out his thoughts. "You know neither of us sees it that way, right?"

"I know." Shoving sweat-damp hair from his face, Harry grimaced at the smear of blood on his hand. "But Orlando's already been favoring me over you for years, even before he and I completed the pet bond. With two bonds...with everything else between us...I just don't know."

"Then we'll figure it out and decide what to do," Karl said. "But Orlando has to be part of that decision."

Harry nodded, but Karl could see the tension building in his eyes.

"Funny how our roles are reversed," he continued, and laughed softly when Harry gave him a perplexed look. "I'm telling you that you need to talk to him about how you feel and not just tell him you'll discuss it later, when I'm the one who's supposed to never talk to anyone."

Harry let out a short laugh. "The reversal will do Orlando some good. Keep him on his toes."

"Somehow I doubt he's been complaining of complacency since the night he met us," Karl replied, with a sardonic smile.

"True," Harry conceded, then squeezed Karl's hand. "But, regardless of Orlando, if I asked..."

"You know the answer," Karl replied softly. "You've always known. I would have gone through it with you the night I gave you the Gift if Viggo had been around to officiate."

Harry nodded, then cupped Karl's cheek with his free hand, the warmth of him sinking into Karl like a brand. "Then I'm asking. If Orlando and Josh have no objections, and it won't jeopardize the bonds we have with them, would you go through the iunctum ceremony with me?"

Karl didn't hesitate, certain everything he ever felt for Harry had to be showing on his face. "I'd be honored." When Harry leaned forward, Karl met him halfway, the kiss a soft affirmation between them. Karl allowed them both some time to savor the moment (too long in coming, if anyone were to ask him), but he also knew there were still things Harry wasn't telling him.

They sat there for a moment, foreheads pressed together, eyes closed, then Karl pulled back. "Now that we have that out of the way," he said, certain he was smiling wide enough to split his face, "talk to me."

Harry sighed. "I don't even know where to start."

"As you're always so fond of telling me, try the beginning. It's usually a pretty good place."

"The beginning." Harry huffed out a soft laugh and let his head fall back. "I'm not even sure what the beginning is. You know I never wanted to make a fledgling."

"I do," Karl affirmed. "But Orlando wouldn't be just any fledgling, either. He's already shown he can handle everything."

"Can he really?" Harry held up a hand to stop Karl's noise of protest. "I know this is something he's always wanted and I know that he did very well the first time he was given the Gift, considering that he was left alone, but this time will be much different. And, to be honest, he's far too impatient."

Karl nodded in agreement. "His temper and impatience have always been a point of concern, yes. But you don't think having a proper mentor - having you - will help him learn to control both?"

"Possibly?" Harry shrugged. "He's done a piss poor job of listening so far when it comes to any concerns or reluctance I've had." Then a sly grinned crossed his face. "I'd suggest letting Katie give him the Gift since she's the only one he's been listening to the past year."

Karl couldn't help it. He held his ribs and curled over, laughing so hard he almost couldn't breathe. "I'd pay to see you try," he wheezed. "That would be almost as bad as suggesting Vig give it to him."

"He'd be horrified," Harry admitted, chuckling. "But he'd listen to her."

"Only because he's terrified of her. Which I suspect will change once he has his fangs back," Karl said, wiping at his eyes. "No, puppy, I'm afraid it's going to have to be you."

Harry took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I don't know if I'm ready."

"Then tell him, and tell him why," Karl said, and it was his turn to hold up a hand to stop Harry's next words. "His temper has gotten better; even you have to admit that. He's much calmer now that your bond is complete. And patience comes with time and training."

"That's just it. I have told him why - he's just chosen to ignore it."

"Or maybe he simply needs reminding."

"You think me reminding him that I'm not ready and I don't know when I'll be ready is going to make him feel better?"

"I think you being honest with him will make him feel better," Karl said, and patted Harry's knee. "Besides, since when have you ever been concerned with someone else's feelings over honesty?"

"Never," Harry admitted, with a wry smile.

"Exactly. And Orlando knows you've never lied to him or misled him." Cocking his head, Karl studied Harry's face, wishing he had the exact words to make everything okay. "He respects that. Right now, he's scared that you've changed your mind and don't want to tell him. And he sees you pulling farther away as he gets closer to being completely well."

"I haven't changed my mind," Harry said, voice a little heated, and his hand tightened on Karl's. "I just...not yet. I'm still struggling with having a fledgling and a true pet and the idea of a double bond -"

"I know," Karl broke in, twisting to face Harry with only a faint twinge from his ribs at the motion.
"But Orlando's only sees what you show him. And, really - a week to touch him after Katie cleared him? I wondered why the child spent more time with me than he did you."

"I wanted to be certain he could handle it," Harry replied, not sounding at all repentant. "No offense, old man, but I'm a little more intense in bed than you are."

Karl made a noncommittal noise. "I'm only giving you that one because of your completed pet bond with him."

"I meant with Orlando, not with anyone else." Harry pushed his shoulder against Karl's. "I think we both know you've been more than intense with me."

"And don't forget it," Karl harrumphed. "But you do need to talk to him. Beat it into him, if you must, but you can't keep shutting him out."

"I know," Harry sighed. "And now that he's almost 100%, I won't mind if it turns into a fight."

"I think a rousing fight would do the two of you worlds of good," Karl said, contemplating the idea with complete seriousness. "Just don't get physical, alright? I'm not facing Katie's wrath when you take her patient apart."

"I wouldn't hit him," Harry said, flaring up a little with indignation at the idea. "Not until he has his fangs back and we start his training."

"So he asked you?" Karl smiled, pleased that Orlando followed through on that idea.

"He did. I'm not saying he'll ever be a true fighter, but he has definite potential."

"I can think of no better teacher for him than you. And speaking of..." Karl looked around the gym, then back at Harry, "ready for a shower?"

"Had enough of a beating today?" Harry asked, with a grin.

Karl just gave him a long look. "I've decided you've learned your lesson," he said, finally.

"You and your delusions," Harry said, and shook his head sadly. He pushed off the steps and offered his hand to Karl. "I'm not sure if you get them naturally or if you've been around Orlando too long."

"Oh, don't blame this on Orlando. You fully well know I come by them naturally," Karl replied. He laughed when Harry yanked him up fast and hard enough that Karl only stopped when he hit Harry's chest.

"It's a good thing I like your arrogance," Harry stated, wrapping strong arms around him to hold him in place. Not that Karl had been planning on going anywhere.

"A very good thing," Karl answered, and leaned in to bite at Harry's lower lip. He was rewarded with a growl and Harry tangling a hand in Karl's hair to hold him in place as he deepened the kiss. Karl simply surged into it and returned it with everything he had.

They were both breathing heavy when they finally let up for air. "So, that's a yes on the shower?" Harry asked, eyes dark with lust.

"Get clean, then get dirty again?" Karl suggested, with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

Harry laughed and started walking Karl out of the room. "I like the way you think."


recovery, harry sinclair, karl urban, katie mcgrath, co-written by brenda and jo, claimed 'verse, orlando bloom

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