FIC: Invitation - 1/1, NC17, Harry Sinclair/Sean Bean

Oct 28, 2011 06:49

Title: Invitation
Authors: Brenda & Jo (azewewish & idiosyncratic)
Pairing: Harry Sinclair/Sean Bean
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Vampires still don't exist. And we doubt Harry and Sean are having hot sex in or out of cars or on sofas, for that matter.
Summary: It's been over a year since Sean and Harry have had any time to themselves. Tonight was good night to correct that.
Notes: Takes place a few weeks after Revelations.

Given a choice (not that he had much of one at the moment, sadly), there were possibly a dozen different places Sean would rather be than in an acquisitions meeting with the World's Most Boring Speaker (he was sure it was patented somewhere) and no end in sight to his torture.

Granted, he was immortal, so the concept of time was a little different for him, but that didn't mean he couldn't literally feel his life draining away with every minute he was forced to watch poorly-formatted Power Point slides and talk pleasantly about ground-up lease rates for properties he really could care less about. He blamed Dom, really, who should be here instead of him, but who'd had to fly to Lisbon to put out another fire in one of their other companies.

No matter what Dom was dealing with, however, it had to be better than this.

He feigned a smile when a poor excuse for a comment masquerading itself as a joke was lobbed his way, then surreptitiously nudged his Blackberry to the edge of the table and onto his lap where it fell, unnoticed, by the rest of the group. Quickly, he typed out a text to his assistant to make something up to interrupt the meeting, he didn't care, he just needed the fuck out before he killed someone. Then, he sat back and folded his hands over his stomach, already feeling better about the world. He had every confidence Ashley would think of something appropriate.

Although, speaking of appropriate - or, rather, inappropriate - he seemed to remember Harry'd promised him a drink or two the last time they'd seen each other. And ever since his unexpected evening with Orlando and Josh and Gerard a few weeks ago, he was curious to know if Orlando had been able to act like everything was normal or if Harry had noticed anything was different. No time like the present to find out.

Not to mention, he had a much more pleasant ulterior motive in mind in wanting to see Harry. May as well see if he was around.

//Are you in town?// he asked silently by way of greeting, while pasting another smile on his face when presented with the next slide. LOIs. His favorite.

Harry's reply was almost immediate. //If by in town, you mean L.A., yes. Why?//

Sean hid his amusement at the suspicion in Harry's tone. //You owe me a drink, and I'm in the mood to collect.//

Harry's mental chuckle sent a trill of heat along Sean's spine. //I have one more meeting, then I'm free. Thompson Hotel roof bar at 9?//

//I'll be there.// Sean couldn't wait.


Sipping his first drink (and considering making Harry pay for all the rest), Sean looked around the bar. It wasn't a large crowd, but the night was mild and clear, perfect for the hoard that was likely to descend around the pool later. The view from the roof was spectacular, with a clear shot of Century City and the Westside off to his left, and the Hollywood Hills to his right, lights from the houses glittering like diamonds in the distance.

As he set his drink back on the bar, he felt the wrist cuff shift and tighten just a little. It was still tucked beneath his suit, hidden away, and the only question now was how soon to let Harry see it. It had been awhile since they'd indulged like this - over a year - and Sean smiled to himself as a shiver of anticipation ran through him.

Another glance to the elevator, and his gaze collided with dark amber eyes. About time.

//You're late.//

//Meeting ran over.// Harry slid into the seat beside him, and ordered a Bushmills - neat - from the waiting bartender. "Why, did you miss me?" he asked aloud, with an insouciant grin.

"I had to pay for my first drink myself."

Damn, but Harry was a sight for sore eyes. His suit - slate grey, two-buttoned, Versace - fit him like a glove, and Sean allowed himself to run an appreciative eye over the way the slacks hugged powerful thighs. Harry's hair was loose, looked like he'd run his fingers through it just before stepping into the lobby, and seeing it, Sean's fingers itched to do the same.

Christ, he needed tonight in a bad way. He only hoped Harry would be willing to accommodate him. (He was fairly certain Harry would say yes - after all, Harry had told him that he would be the one to call the shots on this - but, all the same, he wouldn't take it for granted.)

"I feel certain you'll live," Harry replied, and tapped his glass against Sean's before draining it in one long swallow. "You sounded desperate earlier."

"You have no idea," Sean groaned, slumping forward to rest his elbows on the bar. "World's dullest meeting, and I was stuck in it for three bloody hours before I could get the hell out."

"In other words, it took you three hours to text Ashley without anyone you."

"True," Sean grimaced, then shook his head, unable to keep from chuckling. "But, she was quick enough to call me back. I really don't pay her enough."

"I've told you that for years." Harry lifted a hand, signaled for another round, and Sean took the opportunity to look Harry over again. It was nice seeing Harry so relaxed. Italy (and Monica) had clearly been just what he'd needed to center himself. And seeing him so happy and carefree eased something inside of Sean. No way Harry would be this relaxed if Orlando or Josh had let it slip that they knew about Joaquin.

Giving in to the urge, he reached out and tucked a loose strand of hair behind Harry's ear. It took everything he had not to grin at the look Harry gave him. "What?"

Harry tugged gently at Sean's hand, fully exposing the wrist cuff. Sean thought he might burst into flames from the heat in Harry's gaze. "If this was what you wanted, why are we here and not at the retreat?" Harry asked, voice a low slither of need that sent sparks shooting along Sean's spine.

Sean raked his fingernails across Harry's palm as he slid his hand free and tugged his shirt and jacket sleeves back over the cuff. "Because right now I'm having a drink with my best friend and unwinding after a difficult day," he said, as mildly as he could manage. "That -" he tapped the cuff "- is for later, if you're willing."

"If I'm willing, he says." Harry shook his head in what Sean knew was mock sadness. "If the past year has taught you anything new about me, it should be that I will always be willing where you're concerned."

Sean didn't bother to hide his pleasure at hearing Harry's statement. "That makes two of us."

"When you're ready, then," Harry replied, and sipped slowly on this drink. "But don't make me wait too long."

"Do either Karl or Orlando have any claims on your time tonight?" Sean asked, and inwardly smiled when Harry said no. Best news he'd heard all night. "Excellent."

Harry chuckled. "I take it that I should inform them I won't be coming home for a day or two?"

"Only if you're sure they won't miss you," Sean said, feigning a nonchalance that he knew didn't even come close to fooling Harry.

"The last I heard, Elijah and Josh were going to join them for a movie marathon after Karl got home. So I'm pretty sure they're going to be occupied all night watching juvenile comedies."

"So says the man who's addicted to Gwen & Stacey and The Real East Enders."

"That's different."

"Ah, of course." Then, deciding it was best to get it over with so they could move on to other - better - topics, Sean grinned, hoping he could play this off correctly. It wouldn't hurt to be certain that Orlando and Josh had, in fact, kept their mouths shut. "So Orlando's doing better, I take it?"

"Stronger by the day, now that he's learned to slow down and not push himself too hard," Harry replied, and took another sip of his drink. "I think that last setback a few weeks ago did him some good."

Just the opening he'd been hoping for. "He was looking rather pathetic the last time Gerry and I dropped by."

Harry's brows furrowed. "I didn't know you had."

Well, well, it looked like the pets could keep a secret or two. Sean let out an inward sigh of relief. "I think you and Karl were in Cairo at the time."

"I'm surprised Orlando didn't take the opportunity to bitch to us about how boring he thinks Gerry is," Harry replied. "You know how he gets where Gerry and Marcus are concerned."

"True, but I think Gerry might've broken through to him," Sean said, and started fishing the ice out of his glass. "I think Orlando's starting to realize that Katie and Gerry aren't that different."

"There is a reason why she's his fledgling," Harry agreed. "Now, if we can just set Orlando straight on Marcus..."

"I'm fairly certain he's going to have to see that one to believe it," Sean said, idly sucking on a piece of ice. "The child still thinks we're all playing some elaborate prank on him."

Harry's eyes locked on Sean's mouth. "Does he?"

Sean smiled to himself. It was easier than he'd thought, to settle back into sexual teasing with Harry. Like no time at all had passed instead of over a year since they'd been able to do this. "Perhaps a party," he said, tapping his bottom lip with the ice before popping it back into his mouth. "A non-Council thing where Marcus could bring a date. Or two."

"He can bring his whole harem for all I give a damn," Harry said, voice low and dark in a way that made Sean shudder. "Now -"

"Finish your drink," Sean said, feeling no qualms at cutting Harry off in mid-sentence, "so we can get out of here." Now that he'd assured himself that Orlando and Josh were doing as ordered, he wanted to spend the rest of the night enjoying himself. And Harry. In as many different ways as they could manage.

Harry tilted his head back and polished off the whiskey, throat working as he swallowed. Sean sat back and appreciated the view, mentally debating with himself about which part of Harry's body he wanted to get his hands on first. He was in the mood to be greedy.

Harry stood and pulled out his money clip, then peeled off enough bills to cover their tab and a very generous tip. "You coming?" His tone was even enough, but Sean could see the careful way he was holding himself, like he wanted to pounce on Sean right then and fuck him by the pool. Sean had half a mind to let him.

"Not yet," Sean winked, and stood. "But I have no doubts you'll help to correct that."

Harry groaned, but his hand was warm against the small of Sean's back as he guided Sean to the elevator hallway. "You're as bad as Josh with your puns."

"I'm worse," Sean admitted, balling his hands in his trouser pockets as they waited for the elevator. "Josh hasn't spent the last 90 years living with Dom."

Harry snorted out a laugh. Before he could reply, the doors opened, and they took a step back to allow the small crowd to emerge. Sean slipped inside, slouched against the railing with a casualness he didn't feel, and smiled at Harry.

//Besides, you like me when I'm bad.//

As the doors slid closed, Harry loomed, but Sean didn't wait for him to make the first move. He tangled a hand in dark hair and straightened, crushing their mouths together. It had been a long time. Too long, and Sean meant to make every second of the night count.

Harry tasted just as good as he remembered - smoke and clove tangling together, crowding his senses until Sean was drowning. By the time Sean lifted his head, after a quick bite of Harry's lower lip, he was already hard and aching. "Much better," he commented, with a grin as the elevator came to a stop.

Sean could feel Harry's eyes narrowing on him as they made their way out of the lobby and outside to the waiting valet. //You know, I'm beginning to wonder if you actually want me to collar you or if this was a ruse to get me alone.//

Sean grinned as he handed the valet his ticket. He didn't dare look in Harry's direction. //Oh, I want the collar. But later. After I've peeled you out of that very nice suit and laid you on a bed and fucked you until you can't move. Then you can do whatever you want to me for the rest of the night.//

//Big words.//

//Well, if you don't think you're up for it...// Sean had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing at the expression on Harry's face. "Ride with me. Your assistant can pick up your car later."

"Giving orders, I like it." Harry's lips quirked in a smile that didn't fool Sean for a second. He could feel the slow burn building inside Harry. As Sean climbed into his car, Harry spoke quietly to the valet, then slipped into the passenger seat.

Putting the car into gear, Sean waited just long enough to pull away from the curb before sliding his hand along Harry's thigh.

"Sean..." Harry growled. It was both a warning and an invitation.

"You want me to move it?" Sean asked, even though he already knew the answer.

"Only if you're planning on moving it higher."

"All in good time," Sean chuckled, and made the left off of Wilshire onto Doheny.

Harry placed his hand over Sean's, but didn't attempt to nudge it along. "If you're trying to torture me, it's working."

"Not at all. Just enjoying the anticipation. It's been a long time."

"Yes, it has. Too long."

Sean glanced over and saw that Harry had closed his eyes and was relaxing against the seat cushions. He looked good like that - like a lion sunning himself - dangerous, but tame enough if you knew where to scratch. "We've both been busy," Sean finally said. "And it's not like either of us expected this to be a regular thing."

Harry squeezed his fingers over Sean's. "I know. And our friendship will always come first. But I have missed this."

"So have I," Sean said, softly. There was a warm glow inside him that had nothing to do with lust. Without thinking about it, he turned off Doheny, taking random turns up the hills until he found a dark, mostly deserted street.

"This isn't the way to the retreat," Harry observed, voice thick with amusement, like he knew what Sean was planning and more than approved.

"No," Sean said, stopping the car and turning it off before twisting in his seat and dragging his hand up to cup Harry's inseam. "But I've waited long enough to taste you."

"Finally," Harry groaned, and yanked Sean to him for a scorching kiss that had Sean fumbling as he tried to simultaneously return the kiss and tug Harry's zipper down. Thank God he wasn't the only impatient one in the car.

"Christ, Harry," he gasped, when he could tear himself from Harry's mouth. He closed his hand around Harry's length, then bent so he could close his lips around the head. Harry moaned again, and buried his hands in Sean's hair to hold him in place. Fuck, but he'd missed this.

It wasn't the best blowjob he'd ever given - the position was truly uncomfortable and cramped, and he was too far gone to take his time, make Harry beg - but he figured they had time later on for him to slow things down. Right now, all he wanted was to feel Harry come apart for him, and he applied every bit of his skill towards that one task.

Sean could feel Harry straining, fighting to control himself, trying to drag it out as long as possible, which just wouldn't do. Sean shifted in an effort to get a better angle and was rewarded by a sharp groan. The sound rocketed straight to Sean's crotch, making him even harder. He redoubled his efforts, wondering if it would be a race to see who came first -- Harry, because of the blowjob, or Sean himself, because of the sounds Harry was making.

//Let go.// It was a whisper, soft and determined, and Sean accompanied it with a light graze of his fangs up Harry's length.

That did the trick. Harry came with a strangled gasp, spilling deep down Sean's throat. The second the first, bitter taste hit his tongue was all it took for Sean to come as well. He slumped against Harry's thigh, boneless and sated, for the moment, taking deep gulps of welcome air. He couldn't remember the last time he'd felt so satisfied over a simple blowjob (although there was a few months ago when he'd surprised Dom in the shower and had pinned him against the tiles until the hot water had run out...)

"At this rate, you might kill me before we even get to the retreat," Harry remarked, pulling Sean back to the present.

He let out a wheezing laugh and finally lifted his head. Harry looked as wrecked as Sean felt, and twice as debauched. It was a damn good look on him. "I know better," Sean said, and leaned in for a quick kiss. "I think I'll keep you like this."

"Like what?"

"All fucked out and useless for anyone except me."

Harry's grin was a sly thing of beauty. "I might not object."

"Oh, you'd want to go home to your boytoys sooner or later." He sat up and glanced down at his lap with a rueful shake of his head. Not like it was the first time it had happened, but it was the first time in a very long while.

Harry's laughter filled the car. "Don't let the old man hear you call him a boytoy - he'll lord it over everyone for the next century."

"His ego is rather large enough," Sean agreed, and started the car. The sooner they got to the retreat, the sooner he could get out of his now very sticky slacks.

Harry reached for Sean's free hand again, thumb stroking the soft skin at Sean's wrist in a curiously soothing motion. "I'm glad you suggested this."

"As am I." Sean turned the car expertly along the winding curves with one hand, and glanced at Harry out of the corner of his eye. "I figured we could both use the night off."

"You figured right," Harry smiled. "But things've gotten easier at home now that Orlando is moving under his own power again."

"Are you still planning on making him wait until you give him the Gift?" Sean asked, curiously. He knew how impatient Orlando was to get his fangs back, but he also knew that Harry rivaled a mountain for stubbornness when he made up his mind about something.

"It's for his own good. And mine," Harry added, with a rueful shrug. "Taking on a fledgling is a big responsibility."

"It is," Sean agreed. "I think you're ready for it, though."

"And if I'm not?" Harry asked, quietly, all seriousness now.

"Then you make mistakes," Sean said. "And you work through them. You're not perfect, Harry, and Orlando's not expecting you to be."

"Perhaps," was all Harry said, and Sean almost growled.

//Stubborn to a fault.// Sean negotiated a particularly sharp turn before glancing at Harry again. "How's Josh fitting in these days?"

"Like he's always been there," and, just like that, Harry immediately relaxed again. "It's uncanny how seamlessly he's slid into our lives."

"Nah, just goes to show that Karl finally got something right for once that wasn't you." Then Sean added, hoping he wasn't giving too much away: "I like him. I think he's been good for the both of you. And a godsend for Orlando."

"They've gotten very close," Harry agreed, "especially in the last few months. I think they've finally come to an agreement on how to share Karl, which amuses him to no end."

"They probably finally realized they'd both just lose to you if it came down to it so there was no reason to fight," Sean grinned. He noticed that Harry shrugged, but didn't bother to deny it. "How's Katie been? I haven't seen her the last couple of times I've been by."

"She's good. Now that Orlando's getting more mobile, she's spending less time over," Harry said, shifting to stretch his legs before sprawling again. "It's good for him, because it's forcing him to do for himself, but she comes by every night to check on him."

"So no more long shifts?"
"A few. Two or three nights a week, she comes and stays. Orlando seems to like those nights, even though he bitches about what a drill sergeant she is. They usually end up in front of the television watching movies by the end of the night," Harry paused, then let out a soft chuckle. "I'm pretty sure that Karl and Josh have a bet going that one of them is unconsciously trying to seduce the other."

"You don't really think...?"

"Oh God no. And neither does Karl, not really. But it has been interesting to see Orlando so comfortable around a beautiful, strong woman."

"I've always said the child's not nearly as 100% gay as he's told himself," Sean mused. "And if Katie's the one that helps him on that path, good for her."

"I don't know that she sees him as anything other than a friend, not that I've ever asked. She tends to treat him like an adored younger brother."

"As it should be." At Harry's puzzled look, Sean grinned. How quickly they forget... "He is a pet right now, Harry. Just a pet. Which means even if they did want to do something, they couldn't."

Harry just snorted. "Try telling that to Orlando and Dave."

"Well, they have their own sort of bond between them, don't they? Between being in love and the former Sire/fledgling bond, it'd be odd if there wasn't some sort of residual effect." Sean pulled into the drive of the retreat, then shut off the engine. "Now, if you don't mind, I didn't ask you out tonight to talk about your pet or anyone else, as delightful as I find them all."

"You brought them up," Harry reminded him, but smiled all the same. "But you could remind me again of why you did invite me out. I seem to have forgotten."

"Well, first," Sean said, leaning in and dragging his fingertips up Harry's thigh, "I thought I'd get you naked and try my best to fuck you through the nearest flat surface."

"Go on," Harry encouraged, voice husky, eyes dark. His muscles tightened beneath Sean's hand.

"Then perhaps we could see about that collar for a go 'round or two, and then maybe I'll tie you to the bed and fuck you until neither of us can move," Sean breathed, leaning in more to nuzzle at the smooth skin just below Harry's ear before pulling back. "Inside. Now."

"Your wish," Harry replied, and scraped his thumb across Sean's jaw before climbing out of the car and heading for the front door. Sean gave himself a moment to collect his bearings before following. A very large part of him ached to throw Harry onto the grass and to fuck him until they forgot their own names.

//I wouldn't have said no.//

Sean shook his head, even though he knew Harry couldn't see him. //Am I so transparent?//

//You were practically shouting.//

Sean shut the door behind him and found Harry in the foyer, jacket and tie already off and tossed to the floor. Harry spread his hands out to his sides. "So, where do you want me?"

Sean had to bite his tongue to keep from replying with "underneath me." He eyed the foyer table, then shook his head. "No way that'll support our weight," he muttered, then eyed Harry. "Unless you've redecorated, the nearest flat surface is still the sofa in the living room, yes?"

"It is."

Long fingers steadily worked at shirt buttons until Harry's chest was bare, and Sean felt his mouth go dry at the sight. Fuck, but Harry was always going to have one of the best bodies he'd ever seen. Sean stepped in close, crowded Harry as he lightly raked his nails down Harry's chest. "Sofa it is, then."

"I like the sofa," Harry agreed, and started unbuttoning Sean's shirt as Sean walked them both into the spacious living room. He pushed Harry onto the sofa cushions, and shrugged out of his shirt and jacket, smirking when Harry made an approving noise.

"Like what you see?"

"Always," Harry replied, then lifted an eyebrow. "Should I finish undressing myself?"

"If you want to touch yourself, by all means, I'll pull up a chair and watch."

"Have a seat then." Harry motioned at the coffee table, and flicked the button of his slacks. "And then we'll see if I can entice you to help me out."

Sean settled on the edge of the coffee table after toeing off his shoes. His eyes roamed over Harry's body, greedily drinking in every inch of skin as Harry basically slithered out of his slacks. And the man said he was incapable of putting on a show. Sean grinned, then his breath caught as Harry slid a hand over his stomach and down to curl loosely around his cock.

//You're welcome to join in at any time.// Harry's smile was dark, dangerous, sent every drop of blood in Sean's body scrambling for his crotch. But Sean stayed still and smiled back, determined to take pleasure in the moment.

"In a minute," he said out loud. "Right now, I'm just enjoying the view."

"As long as you don't forget your promise," Harry said, then dropped his head back, eyes fluttering shut as he started an easy, slow rhythm, designed to beguile as much as to please.

"I won't," Sean rasped, gripping the sides of the table to keep from going to his knees between Harry's thighs and feasting. There would be plenty of time for that, he told himself. And, in truth, seeing Harry like this - open and teasing and splayed out just for him - was more than enough incentive to stay put.

The muscles in Harry's thighs bunched with each stroke, his stomach quivering as he hit a sweet spot. He reached down to fondle his balls with the other hand, rolling and pinching them expertly between his fingers as he tightened his grip. His breaths shallowed as a moan escaped parted lips. Sean couldn't remember the last time he'd seen anything so beautiful.

//You look good like this.//

One eye slitted open just enough for Sean to see a slight gleam through dark lashes. Then it closed, and Harry smiled again. That smile was all it took for Sean to give in to one of his urges. He slid to his knees, eyes fastened on Harry, fingertips reaching out to gently stroke the side of Harry's throat. Sean lingered over Harry's pulse and felt his fangs drop.

He waited, wanting to time it perfectly, and held on to his control by the thinnest of threads.

He didn't have long to wait. Harry's body tightened, bow-string taut, and Sean made his move, leaning in to sink his teeth into the vulnerable skin of Harry's throat just as Harry let go. Copper and clove exploded along his tongue as he was swept along in the vortex of Harry's orgasm, filled every sense with the feel of Harry, trembling and vulnerable, underneath him.

He was already reaching for the bottle of lube stashed in the drawer of the lamp stand when he pulled away, licking the small wounds closed with reluctance. "You ready?"

In answer, Harry just spread his legs wider, offering himself to Sean. "Fuck me," Sean breathed, "you're bloody gorgeous like this."

//You talk too much sometimes.// Harry's mental voice was amused, but his eyes were dark, hot, as he pulled Sean down for a blistering kiss.

With a silent apology for the lack of any preparation, Sean slicked himself up, shifted, and started to press home, sliding in inch by slow inch. When he was finally seated, and buried as deep as possible in Harry's body, he stopped, gave himself a moment to savor the feeling. Harry felt just as good as he remembered, all tight heat and barely leashed power, just waiting for Sean to set it free.

"You ready?" he asked again, and without waiting for an answer, pulled back and slammed forward, starting a brutal, fast rhythm that had the sofa groaning underneath them. Harry, in return, wrapped strong thighs around Sean's hips and arched into every thrust, meeting Sean halfway. They traded kiss after messy kiss, Sean yanking on Harry's hair to hold him in place, sweat already starting to slide along his back as he moved.

Sean could already feel the tension building, could feel the tremors start to ripple up the base of his spine. Sweat dripped off his body, landed on Harry. Without breaking his rhythm, Sean reared up. His hands found Harry's hips, gripping tight enough to leave bruises, as he looked down to watch his cock slide in and out of Harry's ass.

Harry arched beneath him, reached up to grab the sofa arm, and he tightened his muscles. Sean felt his control start to fray and splinter, and he fought to hold on, wanting to draw this out as long as possible. The sofa slid along the hardwood floor with a creaking groan of noise, and Sean jerked forward, held on tight to Harry as he rocked faster and faster, sensation after sensation pummeling him until he could feel nothing else except Harry beneath him and around him.

He came with a hoarse shout, orgasm ripping through him like a tsunami, leaving him battered and bruised in its wake. Winded, bones feeling like jelly, he slumped over Harry's body, barely able to keep his eyes open. He smiled tiredly when he felt Harry's cool lips brush across his brow.

"Was it good for you?" Harry teased, sounding breathless and very pleased with himself.

"God yes," Sean concurred, with a soundless laugh. "I feel fucking fantastic."

"Makes two of us." There was a small pause, and Sean could feel Harry's lips curve into a wicked smile. "Need some recovery time?"

"To keep up with you?" Sean pushed up just enough to look Harry in the eye. "Not likely."

"Good." Callused fingers brushed the hollow of Sean's throat, then slipped up to curl around it in a loose grip. Sean shuddered, reflexively swallowed. "I remember you saying something about the collar..."

"I did," Sean managed, returning Harry's look as calmly as he could. "Why, you think you're up for it?"

Harry's fingers tightened fractionally. "I'd have to be dead not to be up for enjoying you on your knees before me."

Sean scooted closer, tilted his head back just enough to bare his throat even more. "Then put it on me and claim what's yours."

Harry held the grip for a few more seconds, then gentled his hold until his fingers just brushed Sean's throat. "Go get it."

It only took a moment for Sean to find Harry's discarded jacket and to pull the small, drawstring bag out of one of the inside pockets. He couldn't stop the warm glow that spread through him at the thought that Harry always had the bag on him, just in case Sean wore the wristcuff. A part of him loved the fact that Harry was just as much his slave as he was Harry's.

When he walked back into the living room, Harry was still sitting on the sofa, sprawled as redolently as ever, but this time, there was nothing of surrender in his pose. Now, he looked every inch a warrior, accustomed to his every command being obeyed.

Sean tossed the bag Harry's way, then dropped to his knees on the rug. Anticipation coursed through his blood, better than any drug or artificial high. "You planning on just sitting there?"

"I might," Harry said, raking Sean with a proprietary look. "Make you do all the work."

Sean knew better, but he bit his tongue. Then Harry stood and stretched, and Sean's mouth went dry. He remained completely still as Harry circled him. Then cool, smooth leather touched his throat, tightened, and Sean had to swallow the moan that tried to escape.

"So pretty like this," Harry commented, fingers sifting through Sean's hair. "Naked, collared, on your knees for me. My whore to do with as I please."

"Yours," Sean answered, even though it wasn't really a question. He closed his eyes and swayed into Harry's touch. "I'm yours."

Gentle fingers stroked under his chin, tilting it up, and his eyes fluttered open to see Harry smiling down at him like a benevolent god. "Good. Now prove it."

Gladly, Sean thought, and put himself completely in Harry's hands. He knew Harry would take excellent care of him.


recovery, harry sinclair, co-written by brenda and jo, sean bean, claimed 'verse

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