Title: "Catalyst" (Part Forty-Five) Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic) Series: Claimed Universe Notes: Click here for full disclaimers and pairings.
Lovely! I know I'm repeating myself, but Josh is good for Karl. He's having to talk about himself and those he cares about, really think about the things he's done and how he got to now.
I don't think that Josh will ever be like Orlando and that's a good thing in more than one way. Each of them is unique and adds something special to the group.
I've been reading back through this part of the story and once I got by all the drama and emotion of the earlier chapters (around chapter 6) I could see what the authors were trying to say concerning Karl, Harry and especially Orlando. I saw very clearly that Josh had most of it worked out. He being the outsider and not yet emotionally tied to the others could see what they had only began to glimpse at. I was so caught up in what the characters were feeling that Josh was just a know-it-all and an annoyance but in retrospect he was a breath of fresh air when he first appeared.
Exactly right. Orlando and Josh ARE different people with different life experiences & that's a very good thing. Just as both of them are different than Harry, which is also important.
And glad to know that Josh has grown on you & that our end-game where he's concerned in relation to the others is starting to make sense. :)
With each chapter we learn more of the history between Karl and Harry and how they came together. Quite enjoying learning more of their history.
Amazed that Karl is so forthcoming but maybe after the evening with Lawrence, he's more open to speaking of his past or is Josh so adept at pulling the info out of him.
Love Karl's sneekiness getting Josh to the tailor.
Well someone has had a calming influence on Karl; actually opening up to Josh about his relationship with Harry. More info on those early days even though we've been aware of them.
Karl may think he doesn't relate to people well, but he has mellowed.
Comments 8
I've been reading back through this part of the story and once I got by all the drama and emotion of the earlier chapters (around chapter 6) I could see what the authors were trying to say concerning Karl, Harry and especially Orlando. I saw very clearly that Josh had most of it worked out. He being the outsider and not yet emotionally tied to the others could see what they had only began to glimpse at. I was so caught up in what the characters were feeling that Josh was just a know-it-all and an annoyance but in retrospect he was a breath of fresh air when he first appeared.
And glad to know that Josh has grown on you & that our end-game where he's concerned in relation to the others is starting to make sense. :)
Amazed that Karl is so forthcoming but maybe after the evening with Lawrence, he's more open to speaking of his past or is Josh so adept at pulling the info out of him.
Love Karl's sneekiness getting Josh to the tailor.
Karl may think he doesn't relate to people well, but he has mellowed.
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