Title: "Catalyst" (Part Sixteen) Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic) Series: Claimed Universe Notes: Click here for full disclaimers and pairings.
Viggo has a difficult task before him; deciding and executing the punishment. Hopefully Karl and Harry manage to defend him well. And poor Orlando; his mind is spinning, so many confusing news in his life!
Why do I just know that you are going to torture us with the possibility of Orlando not being remade? Heck, I am already torturing myself with the idea. I can't wait for the next installment.
You know, it took me FOREVER to figure out why I don't like Josh - and then I finally realized, it's not Josh that I don't like - I do actually like him! - It's just that after the first several parts of this story where it was established that vampires just KNOW when they meet the person they are supposed to be with - Karl/Orlando/Harry, Sean/Dom - and I just accepted it - now to be told that no, they can actually be wrong about it, now I don't trust that Josh is supposed to be with Karl - if Harry AND Karl could both be wrong about Dave, then there's every chance that Josh isn't right for Karl, that Karl's just latching onto him because he's upset about Orlando/Harry/Jake, etc. *sigh*
But I love this whole series in a very seriously addictive way. I'm so glad to keep seeing more of this.
I think that's a very fair reaction. Only time will tell (but there are differences in how Dave was with Harry and Karl versus how Josh is with Karl and Orlando was with Harry and Karl), but half the fun is the journey.
I think the fact that these men can be wrong & screw up in personal relationships & don't have the answers is pretty fascinating. But then, that's just me. *g*
Comments 13
Vig was much calmer than I expected him to be, but I guess it only makes sense. I suspect he'd be a hard one to drive to anger or rashness.
Love that no matter what happens, they are still going to care for Dave and he has Lawrence.
Glad you got all caught up & are still enjoying!!!
And poor Orlando; his mind is spinning, so many confusing news in his life!
But I love this whole series in a very seriously addictive way. I'm so glad to keep seeing more of this.
I think the fact that these men can be wrong & screw up in personal relationships & don't have the answers is pretty fascinating. But then, that's just me. *g*
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