FIC: "Companion" 2/2 (Changes, Part Eight) (Jake Gyllenhaal/Harry Sinclair/Orlando Bloom)

Mar 18, 2010 00:17

Title: "Companion" 2/2
Authors: Brenda (azewewish) & Jo (idiosyncratic)
Series: Changes (Part Eight)
Pairing: Harry Sinclair/Jake Gyllenhaal/Orlando Bloom
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Harry's stuck with babysitting duty.
Disclaimer: Vampires still don't exist. And we doubt that Harry and Orlando are fucking each other, let alone Jake.
Notes: Originally written in 2005, revised in 2010.

Pleasure (Part One) | Discipline (Part Two) | Enthralled (Part Three) | Enslaved (Part Four) | Reciprocation (Interlude) | Arrogance (Part Five) | Simplicity (Part Six) | Reassurance (Part Seven) | Companion (Part Eight) | Watching (Part Nine) | Visit (Part Ten) | Vigilance (Part Eleven) | Welcome Home (Part Twelve) | Surprise (Part Thirteen) | Mechanics (Part Fourteen) | Casual (Part Fifteen) |

//Question is, do you think I can control myself?// Orlando grinned as Harry laughed. Sadly enough, it wasn't all that absurd of a question. Harry was Harry, and the entire world knew that Orlando had less than no control where he was concerned.

As Jake settled on the bed, sprawling in the middle to watch, Orlando approached Harry. "You two are so hot," Jake sighed, curling a comfortable hand around his semi-erect cock. Not stroking, just resting, clearly intending to enjoy himself. "Are all vampires this hot?"

"Some," Harry replied. "Now pay attention, plentyn." He moved into Orlando's space, tilting Orlando's head back to nuzzle along his throat. //Undress me, love.//

Both hands slid along Harry's chest, easing each button free with a laziness that was close to maddening. But Orlando wasn't going to rush this. Jake wanted a show, he was going to get one. Even as he provided one of his own, with his fingers curled around his cock,.

//What's that you called him?// Orlando smiled, shook his head as Jake echoed him in his head. Interesting side effect.

//Child// Harry replied, skimming heated lips along Orlando's neck. He stepped into the touches, started unbuttoning Orlando's shirt with careful, precise movements. Orlando shivered slightly, even though it was nice and warm in the room.

//Everyone's a child to you.// Orlando slid Harry's shirt off his shoulders, down muscled arms. Sighed softly at the sight of Harry naked from the waist up. Fuck all, but it was still the most beautiful thing Orlando had ever seen.

"Jesus..." Orlando almost turned, startled at Jake's shocked whisper. Then he blinked, looked closely at Harry. Ah, yes. The scars.

"I was mortal once." Harry's voice was gentle as he addressed Jake. "I got these a long time ago."

"I see." Jake continued to roam over the muscled expanse of Harry's chest and stomach, lust and concern warring in his voice. "How long ago?"

"Over 800 years," Harry replied softly, and Orlando didn't need to turn to know that Jake was staring at Harry in awe.

Stifling laughter, Orlando slid his fingers along each scar, lingering at the star-shaped one over Harry's heart. //God help us if he ever meets Viggo.//

Harry laughed again, the sound low and wicked in the quiet. His smile was even more wicked, and Orlando leaned in to taste it, to flick his tongue over razor sharp fangs as Jake watched.

"The two of you are so hot together," Jake murmured, repeating himself, lust snapping through his words.

//Christ, Harry, can you feel him?// Orlando didn't wait for an answer, just plunged his hands in Harry's hair and kissed him, slanting greedy lips over Harry's, tongues dueling and sliding together. When he lifted his head, he wasn't surprised to find that his shirt had fallen to the carpet and that his jeans were unbuttoned.

"More?" Harry asked Jake, curling callused fingers around Orlando's cock. It took every bit of control Orlando possessed not to moan.

"Please." It was a soft whisper, almost too soft to be heard, but Orlando didn't need to hear it. He could feel it. And Jake's need, combined with Harry's fingers sliding over him, was almost too much to handle.

He fumbled with the button to Harry's pants, finally got it undone. Had to stop to catch his breath when Harry's wrist flicked. //Jesus, Harry...not yet...//

//Right now. Want him to watch you come.//

Ah fuckfuckfuck... "Harry," Orlando whimpered, bucking into Harry's hand. When he felt the press of a warm, hard body against his back, he whimpered again.

"Couldn't resist," Jake said, leaning over Orlando's shoulder to watch as Harry worked Orlando's cock with assured, slow movements.

"View's better here anyway," Harry said. "Think you can hold him up for me?"

"Think I can try."

That's it. Orlando knew he wasn't going to survive the night. Then Harry's wrist flicked again, and coherent thought flew right out of Orlando's mind. He arched, head falling back on Jake's shoulder, hips thrusting into Harry's fist.

"View's much nicer over here," Jake murmured, lips trailing along Orlando's throat.

"Keep watching." Harry's fingers curled, tight and hot, faster now, seeking to destroy.

OhGodohGod... Orlando wondered if he was babbling, didn't really care. Just as long as Harry didn't stop what he was doing. Just as long as Jake didn't move away. Then Harry's free hand slid across Orlando's stomach.

"Harry..." Whatever Orlando was going to say was lost as Harry's fingers found the gold loop in his navel. He could feel Jake's awe and Harry's satisfaction through their bond as he gave himself over to his orgasm.

"Ah fuck, that's beautiful, man."

"Wait until you get your mouth on it," Harry replied, and Orlando couldn't bite back the moan when Harry lifted his hand to Jake's mouth. "Taste him."

Jake eagerly parted his lips and his eager tongue swirled decadently over Harry's fingers, slowly licking each one clean. He looked as if he was savoring a particularly tasty treat. Orlando could only sag between them, boneless and pliant, waiting for whatever came next. "Sensitive, huh?" Jake asked moments later, fingertips brushing the ring. Orlando whimpered, closed his eyes. Yeah, definitely dead.

"You have no idea." Harry's amusement was so clear in his voice that Orlando didn't need to open his eyes to know Harry was smiling. Fucker. "Made him come quite a few times just from my mouth on it."

"Really?" Orlando opened his eyes long enough to see Jake staring down at the ring with a kind of desperate curiosity. He was well and truly fucked and he knew it.

//But what a way to go.//

//Hush.// Orlando spared a second to give Harry a look. Then he turned his attention back to Jake and all that skin. "If you're lucky, maybe I'll let you find out later," he murmured, twisting to sink his hands into Jake's hair and pull him closer for a blistering kiss.

In some dim part of his mind, he could hear the rustling of cloth, felt his jeans slide to the floor. Naked, great, loved it. It meant he could press against Jake's body without barrier, rub against him in total abandon and possession. Jake met each kiss with equal ferocity and hunger, kissed Orlando back like the only thing in his world was getting Orlando off just from this. It was almost like a battle, this pushing and tugging. Without breaking the kiss, Orlando began guiding Jake backwards to the bed. Horizontal sounded like a damn good idea at the moment. Especially with the way Jake was grinding against him, cocks slipsliding with each shift of their bodies.

Jake tumbled onto the mattress and Orlando followed. He had no idea where Harry was in the room, but he was sure Harry was close enough to get a good view of what he and Jake were doing. His hands slid along Jake's sides as he kissed his way over a slender throat. The throbbing of Jake's pulse echoed the throbbing in Orlando's blood, and he could smell how Jake would taste.

//If he wants you like that, he'll have to ask.//

Permission. Acceptance. Two of a vampire's basic tenants, and fucked if Orlando wasn't forgetting all of it. He took a deep breath, then another. He could feel Harry's approval as he slowed things down with Jake. No need to rush, after all. "Love the way your skin tastes," he whispered, lips trailing over a stubbled jaw.

Jake just made a quiet sound. His fingers trailed along Orlando's sides, traced each rib. His touch was light, delicate, and it had Orlando trembling with need. "Love that you love it." The words were barely audible. "More."

Orlando slid down a muscled chest, learning honeyed skin with his lips and tongue. //He tastes so good...//

//And he's yours right now, so take care with him.//

Orlando lifted his head for a brief moment, sought reassurance. His gaze rested on Harry, slouched in a chair beside the bed, slacks still on, but unzipped, eyes dark with love and lust. //Take care of him// Harry repeated, and Orlando could see the bottle of lotion on the nightstand out of the corner of his eye.

He's yours. The words rocked Orlando in a way that nothing else had to that point. He stared at Harry for a long moment, long enough for Jake to get restless. "Shh," Orlando murmured, lips sliding over Jake's stomach.

"Please..." Jake whispered, twisted his body up in silent plea. Orlando smiled, curled one hand around Jake's cock. Then he flicked his tongue over the head, lapped pearly drops of pre-come. And almost moaned out loud as the taste snapped through him like an electric current.

//Fuck, Harry...//


Right, slow. But it was going to kill him, Orlando was certain. He licked a wide stripe up the length, memorized the taste, and savored the next low moan that was forced from Jake's lips. "Please..." Jake whispered again, tugging on Orlando's shoulders, shifting restlessly on the sheets. "Please."

"Patience." He wasn't sure if he was telling Jake or himself. Then, with Harry's reassurance pulsing through the bond, Orlando closed his lips around Jake's cock. He almost lost it himself right then with the way Jake bucked, blunt nails digging into Orlando's shoulders.

"Need...both of you...please..." Jake pleaded, and his next moan was muffled, indistinct. Orlando lifted his eyes, and the sight before him was just about the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. Harry was half-kneeling on the bed, thick cock sliding wetly from between Jake's open lips, and the small moans Jake made with every slow forward thrust of Harry's hips were simply beyond erotic.

Orlando reached out for the lotion, met Harry's hand as it was passed over. Slowly, he sat up, slick fingers circling Jake's opening as his free hand wrapped around Jake's cock. "He's fucking beautiful like this."

"Yes, he is," Harry answered, voice rough as he stroked gentle fingers over Jake's hollowed cheeks. Orlando watched for another handful of moments as Jake struggled to take Harry's cock as deep as he could, as Harry gentled and soothed Jake with touches and murmurs, slowly moving in and out of his mouth, taking his time, both of them clearly enjoying themselves.

Then the clamoring of his own need swept through him. Now.


It was quiet in his head, but carried a touch of steel. When Orlando looked up, he found Harry watching him. But fuck, it was hard to focus with the tumbling of emotions clawing at him.

"Breathe," Harry whispered, then turned his attention back to Jake. Orlando could feel Harry's pleasure almost as intensely as if he was the one getting sucked off, and oddly enough, it helped to calm him. Harry was relaxed, enjoying himself, which meant he trusted Orlando to make it perfect.

With marginally steadier fingers, Orlando pushed one inside of Jake's body, felt Jake shiver around him, hot and tight. So fucking tight. That's it. Just like that. He could do this. He added a second finger, worked them inside Jake as his other hand slid up Jake's cock. "So fucking beautiful," he whispered, bent to trail his lips over Jake's stomach. Jake's skin puckered under his kisses, and he moaned, a broken, needy sound, when Orlando's fingers brushed over the small bundle of nerves.

He waited for Harry to nod before he withdrew his fingers, ignoring the whimper of protest. Harry pulled back off the bed, and Jake's clouded eyes opened in confusion. "Please," he managed, throat still raw from Harry's cock.

"Right here," Orlando said, body curving over Jake's, hips aligning just so. He began a slow push forward, sinking into Jake inch by painfully slow inch. Nice and easy. Slow. No need to rush. Fuck all, but Jake was so tight, so hot. Orlando thought he was going to incinerate before they ever really got started.

//Doing good, love.// Harry's voice in his head, encouraging him, Harry's hand on the small of his back, steadying him. He nodded, turned his head slightly to nuzzle at Harry's shoulder, and took another deep breath. "You alright?" he asked Jake, smoothing his hands over Jake's hips.

"Y-yeah." Jake shifted, bringing his body more fully into alignment with Orlando's. Both groaned when the motion pushed Orlando's cock even deeper into Jake's body. "I feel so full..."

"You get used to it." Even as he said the words, Orlando's brain registered what Jake had said. Odd. His eyes lifted, met Harry's. Odd that Jake had said that. Right? //Harry?//

//The companion bond intensifies the feeling for the mortal as well as for the vampire. No reason to worry.//

Right, no worrying. Not that Orlando had been worrying, precisely, it was just that... //You sure that's all it is?//

//Ask him.//

Ask him...ask him what? Orlando looked down at Jake, taking in the flushed cheeks, trembling body, arched back as Jake tried awkwardly to wrap his legs around Orlando's hips. Ah, hell... No way. It couldn't be...could it? He licked dry lips. "Jake, have you...?"

One quick shake of Jake's head was all it took for Orlando's head to start spinning. "First," Jake stammered. "Please..."

"Jesus, Jake," Orlando breathed, closed his eyes again. Fuck of a lot of pressure to put on a guy. But, in Jake's defense, he couldn't know that Orlando wasn't all that used to topping.

//No different than with me.//

Orlando's eyes flew open, and he stared at Harry even as his hands slid along Jake's arms and chest, soothing trembling muscles. //Like hell it's not!//

//He trusts you.//

Trust. Acceptance. Orlando's eyes slid to Jake's face, found Jake looking at him. Orlando could see the truth of Harry's words. Slowly, easily, he began to move. He was dimly aware of Harry moving between the both of them with whisper-light kisses and soft touches, and he was grateful for both the distraction and reassurance. Jake moved, shifted with him with every slow thrust, urging him to go faster, move deeper. The bond between them snapped and crackled with energy, with possession. He felt this savage sense of satisfaction that he was Jake's first, that it was him Jake had chosen to be with like this. "Still good?" he asked, leaning forward to press a kiss on Jake's forehead.

"Better." Jake tilted his lips to meet Orlando's in a light, teasing kiss. "Don't stop..."

"Not going to." He pulled back, teasing for a moment, then snapped his hips forward. The movement startled a groan from Jake, had him arching off the bed. Orlando smiled, bent down to lick a stripe up Jake's neck. "Like that?"

"Y-yeah..." Jake's sweat-slick hands slid up Orlando's shoulders in a tight grip. "That all you got?"

"Not even close." He thrust again, deeper, harder. Chuckled when Jake rose to meet him, fingers digging into Orlando's shoulders. Again and again, the silence broken only by harsh breathing and bodies slapping together.

Harry was...somewhere. Orlando could feel his presence, feel the fingers skating over his skin, over Jake's. Again, there was a whisperfire of pain in his jaw, but Orlando had it under control this time, and he slid his mouth along Jake's throat, just hard enough for his fangs to dimple the skin but not break it. Jake shuddered, retreated -- not much, but enough. He'd already turned that down, and that was fine. Orlando had plenty of other tricks. He suckled along Jake's pulsepoint, laving tender skin, as he angled his hips, thrust deep and hard. Felt Jake's moan clear to his bones. That's it, give me everything.

//Fuck, the two of you are hot together.// Orlando shuddered at the lust in Harry's words. Shuddered again when he felt Harry's fangs graze his shoulder. Opened his mouth to speak, but the words wouldn't come out.

"C'mon," Jake moaned, body arched, trembling. His teeth caught his bottom lip; his eyes locked with Orlando's. Their bond crackled.

Then Harry's hand slid between them and curled snug around Jake's cock.

"Oh God." Jake clawed at Orlando's hips, thrusting up into Harry's fist, down on Orlando's cock. Everything shimmered, edges blurred until all Orlando could see feel was the world melting around him, around them, burning, blazing.

"Take him," Harry encouraged, flicking a tongue along the shell of Orlando's ear. Orlando could feel Harry's cock, hard and heavy, against his back, and he whimpered from the dueling sensations. "Make him yours."

Harry's fangs slid into Orlando's neck a moment later, barely enough to break the skin. His fist continued its rough slide over Jake's cock.

Orlando groaned, deep in his throat, and released what little control he'd had to start with. He slammed into Jake, poured everything he was feeling into their shared bond. He couldn't tell what was him, what was Jake, what was Harry. Everything was jumbled, sharp and bright. Then Harry's fangs slid deeper into his neck, and the world seemed to implode around them. He retained barely enough control to not rest his full weight on top of Jake, but that was about as far as it got. The rest of higher brain function and reason were down for the count.

Harry licked at the small puncture wounds, and ran his hands along Orlando's sweat-slick back, soothing trembling nerves. Orlando sighed into the touches as he nuzzled Jake's cheek. "Feels nice," he mumbled, breath stirring a few strands of Jake's hair. Jake didn't move -- Orlando was pretty certain he'd passed out.

Harry chuckled and dragged a finger down Orlando's spine. "You did good."

Orlando turned his head just enough to brush his lips over Harry's. "He made it easy."

"He was certainly eager enough." Harry gave Orlando another soft kiss before standing. "Try to wake him up. I'll be right back."

He disappeared into the bathroom, and Orlando could hear the sounds of running water. A bath would be nice. First though, he had to wake up Jake. Orlando rolled to his side. As he moved, he noticed Jake's lashes flickering. "Hey," he murmured when dazed blue eyes fluttered open.

"Mmm." He peered around even as he snuggled closer to Orlando. "Where's Harry?"

"Right here," Harry said, walking back into the room. Orlando chuckled when Jake's gaze widened in lustful admiration as he traversed the muscled expanse of Harry's body.

"He has that effect on all of us," Orlando told Jake, well aware that Harry could hear him.

"Jesus, you're perfect." Jake swallowed. "Fuck. You two must think I'm..."

Harry leaned over and kissed Jake's forehead. "We think you're perfect. And there's a bath waiting for the both of you whenever you decide you can move."

"Bath?" Jake perked up at that, and Orlando had to smother a grin. It looked like Jake wasn't going to be all that hard to please out of bed. Which, all things considered, was probably a good thing.

"Come on." Orlando gave Jake a gentle nudge. Right now, that bath sounded fabulous. Sounded even better when he thought about being in it with Jake. Then he slid a curious glance towards Harry as they climbed out of bed.

//Go on. You two need some time alone.//

They did? They'd just had time alone. //Harry...//

Harry smiled, patient and soft. //Go on.//

Jake looked back and forth between the two of them. "Something wrong?"

"No." Harry grabbed his slacks from the floor, and slid into them with ease. "I think I'm going to take a walk around the grounds. Let me know when you're ready for me to come back in."

Orlando frowned. He wasn't ready for Harry to leave in the first place. Jake continued to look back and forth between them. A small frown creased his forehead, and Orlando absently started rubbing tiny circles in the small of Jake's back. //Harry, what's wrong?//

//Nothing, I promise.// Harry shrugged into his shirt, but left it unbuttoned. He gave Jake a light kiss, then Orlando. "You two need some time just for you," he repeated out loud. "I won't be far away." He slipped out the French doors a second later, barely stirring the air behind him.

Jake blinked. "It's unnatural for someone that big to be that quiet," he muttered, staring out the doors after Harry. Then he shook himself, looked at Orlando. "What's going on?"

Wish I knew. "He'll tell us eventually," he said aloud. //Harry?//

//Stop worrying about me. Concentrate on him.//

Right. Orlando smiled and curled his fingers into Jake's. "C'mon, we'll curl up together and, um, if you have any...questions..." Please don't have any questions.

"Sounds nice." Jake spared one last glance at the French doors. "He'll be back, won't he? I mean, he didn't even...I didn't get to...and I wanted...I wanted him to..."

"He'll be back. He can't live without me," Orlando replied, and winked. "And trust me, you will. And he will. Probably more than once, if Harry has anything to say about it. He wants you just as bad."

"Good. Because it's mutual." Jake's voice was soft, his hand warm in Orlando's. "This is, um, odd."

"What is?"

"All this," Jake replied, gesturing towards his head as he let Orlando help him into the tub. He sighed as he slid into the hot water, Orlando right behind him. "Having you both in my head."

"It does take some getting used to." Orlando let out a satisfied moan as the water soothed aching muscles. "I can remember the first time I found out I could hear what Karl and Harry were saying..."

"Who's Karl?"

Ah, hell. "He...ah..." Orlando made a face as he kissed Jake's neck. Damn it. "It's complicated. He...well...I'm his pet. And Harry's." Yeah, complicated didn't even begin to describe it. And damned if he was going to mention Dave. "Don't worry, though," he continued, not giving Jake a chance to say anything. "I'm not going to unleash him on you." Damned right he wasn't. Karl would just take over without even thinking about it.

"Pet to two vampires? I've never heard of such a thing. Is that even possible?"

"Um, no. Not normally." Orlando was killing Harry at the first opportunity for just leaving him here like this. He wasn't any good at this whole answering questions thing. He was much better at asking them. "Apparently I'm the exception, and it has something to do with the bond that Karl and Harry share. It's a long story."

"Oh." Jake was silent for a minute. "But you're only sharing me with Harry, right?"

"Yeah, I still want both of us, right?" Yeah, definitely floundering.

"Definitely." Jake looked over his shoulder. "Will the both of you share me all the time?"

Um...hell. Definitely killing Harry. Slowly and painfully. "Only if that's what you want," Orlando said. "It's all about choice, remember."

"I know that." Jake waved away the vow like it was no big deal. "But, I mean, it's alright if...well, if I might just want to be with you or just want to be with Harry. Y'know, sometimes."

"I can't see any reason why not," Orlando replied carefully. He just wanted to slide under the water and drown himself until Harry came back.

Jake settled back against Orlando's chest. "Good. I mean, that the option is there. Although I don't think I'll want it too often." He smiled, water trailing between his fingers as he moved them up Orlando's calf. "The two of you are far too sexy together."

"You're pretty damn sexy all by yourself." Orlando bent his head to nuzzle Jake's neck, shifting a little as Jake's hand crept higher up his leg. If he kept that up, Orlando wasn't going to be responsible for his actions.

Jake tilted his head, sighed again. His fingers made lazy patterns on Orlando's knee. The water swirled as he moved, little wavelets lapping at their skin. "So how long do I have you for?"

"Hmm?" Oh, shit. A question. And not just any question, but one Orlando didn't have an answer to.

"Tonight, I mean. Do you have to...?"

Oh, that. "Long as you want," Orlando said, breathing a huge sigh of relief. This question, he actually could answer. "I know Harry's stayed here before, so the room must be pretty dark during the day with the shades drawn."

"That's cool." Jake twisted around completely, droplets of water clinging to wet lashes as he peered at Orlando. "So, I don't have to go home right away?"

"No, you don't have to go home right away."

Both Orlando and Jake swiveled their heads at the voice. Harry was leaning against the counter, arms crossed, watching the both of them with an indescribable look on his face. //You sounded desperate.//

//He asked how long. I didn't...// Orlando shrugged and looked down. He was suddenly fascinated with the way his hands looked as they slid over Jake's wet skin. And Jake certainly didn't seem to mind.

"You came back," Jake said happily, and reached out a hand, water dripping onto the tiles. "Come join us."

"Hardly room for three people," Harry smiled. "I'm fine where I am."

Fine, was he? Orlando arched an eyebrow. Looking as innocent as he could manage, he leaned in and whispered in Jake's ear. Time to begin some of that payback, and he knew just how to start. Jake's smile was slow and sinful, and all Orlando could do was blink. "You really think...?"

"Yeah," Orlando said, and gave Jake a gentle push. He watched through hooded, greedy eyes as Jake hefted himself out of the tub, water sluicing along a sculpted back and strong thighs. Christ, the kid was beautiful.

Jake ran his tongue over his lips as he peered at Harry. "You told me earlier that you're a man of your word. Is that true?"

Harry nodded, but didn't say anything.

Jake stepped closer, long fingers slipping under Harry's shirt to caress warm skin. Orlando could only watch in silent appreciation. "He also says that you told him you wanted me as much as he wants me."

Harry raised an eyebrow, the sight impossibly sexy. "Did he?"

"Do you?"

Orlando caught a glimpse of Harry's smirk before Harry hauled Jake in his arms and claimed his mouth.

Settling back in the tub, Orlando trailed his fingers through the water as he watched Harry and Jake lay waste to each other with greedy lips and sliding tongues, and smiled. It was going to be a long night.

Onto Watching

harry sinclair, changes, co-written by brenda and jo, claimed 'verse, jake gyllenhaal, orlando bloom

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