Poo! I can't find pictures of me at Anime Boston. I see pictures of Celes and Rydia from FF 4, but not me..... But! I did find this
http://forums.cosplay.com/archive/index.php/t-11337.html I don't know how to respond to this person. I just want to post a big shout out to him/her saying, "It's me!!! I am the Terra you're searching for!" but I don't know how to join this site or respond. This makes me very sad. I even looked at this subject in the Anime Boston forums called, "Rarest Cosplay" and no one mentioned me! I know people recongized me because they told me so and said I had a great costume! Darn, were are you people! Where is that Celes and Rydia I took pictures with? Where's that Duo I chated with for a bit? I put so much work into that costume. GRRRR!! Where's the love????