Anime Boston

May 31, 2006 01:16

The pros and cons of my day at Anime Boston:

1. Boston is a cool city.
2. Cosplaying in Pizzaria Uno was fun.
3. Some of the cosplayers were very original and good.
4. The Haynes Convention center was HUGE!
5. Descent stuff to shop for (Ichigo plushies!!! so cute!!!!)
6. The videogame room had this really cool Turn Table game and it played cute J-pop songs.

1. We had to get up at 4 in the fucking morning.
2. Boston is a long trip.
3. My friend and her boyfriend kept on making out with each other in front of me. It was kinda awkward. I felt like I was disturbing their alone time and that they really didn't care that I came along.
4. My dear friend could not come with us.
5. My costume kept on falling apart. I would be talking to someone cool and then I'd hear *snap* *pop* and my shouldstrap unsnapped. I had to keep on re-attaching them.
6. My feet really hurt in my spike heel boots. And the heel isn't that big!
7. Steve Blum (the guy who does the voice for Spike, Tom of Toonami, Mugen, some guys in Digimon, Zabuza, and many other characters) was only doing an autographing session and not a panel discussion, which was what I was hoping for. I don't really care about signatures.
8. They really didn't have anything planned for Friday. I was also hoping to go to this Philosphy of Final Fantasy panel, but it wasn't even on the schedual even though it was written in the program guide.
9. It was really humid that day and hot as hell.
10. To many Advent Children Cloud cosplayers and non of them were good or real Final Fantasy fans.
11. Bad discounts on manga and you had to pay tax!
12. I spent a lot of money.
13. The gaming room was really tiny and had some wierd-ass games.

That was my day.
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