Yes, I'm leaving! Again! And I haven't figured out how to import entries from wordpress besides offering you my
RSS FEED! I will try my best to find a livejournal proxy but I'm telling you, most of time will be at wordpress. And if tumblr is banned, then I will also figure out a tumblr proxy. I hope all these proxies won't land me in trouble because I really can't deal with that on top of everything else.
• Instead of staying at our apartment in Tai Bo, my aunts got us a hotel room somewhere else that HAS A TELEVISION. Hopefully cable is included so I can bleary-eye watch Germany v Spain without getting out of bed!
• According to my aunts, there's lots of cute and affordable clothing near the hotel. YES, I WON'T DIE OF HEAT.
Bad news is not even going to make its way onto here; no sirree, I already spent a lot of time moping around and sniveling yesterday. For the first time in a few years and plus, I'm bringing a stuff animal with me...because he's very close to my heart. Very close to my heart. So I'll catch you all on that side of the world. Wish me luck and I hope you'll all be able to access my stories and adventures in
wordpress world.