Mar 06, 2008 00:30
Been working on a new layout. It's... functional, now. For the most part. The top navigation links do weird things when clicked on, that I shall have to figure out. And I might or might not want to tweak the header image. And adjust fonts/colors more. but it's at least usable for me. xD
I've been trying to files from a DVD of the theatre production I was in last spring, to my computer, because the idea of uploading them to the internet appeals to me a bit. Unfortunately, the computer won't cooperate in the copying.
Had a long conversation with Alex, talking about Shaun. Well, debating. Alex enjoys playing Devil's Advocate a wee bit much, methinks. >> And I don't word arguments well. But oh well. And then he made surpremely happy by saying 'You know I still love ya". Its not a romantic thing, but I feel the same way without any doubt, ever. I'm just a strange hopeful person though, considering I just ... knew, that I did indeed care for and love him, even when we hadn't spoken for.. months? We've known each other.. 4+ years now. approximately. Even entirely internet based, I don't think it really makes it that much less.
It's really quite mood-lifting to have someone tell you they love you, romantically or just as friends, and be able to believe them fully. Rocky as the friendship has been, it HAS lasted. I think it's pretty awesome, anyway. >_>