My picture for today will be cut because it is kind of graphic and upsetting to see :o(
a hurt kitty :o( stray?
When I came home from work today, I went out with the dogs when I let them out to change their water bowl outside. I saw 3 black things running around and I thought to myself, "wait, I only have 2 black dogs" and realized one was the cat. As it ran by me, I saw that it had huge cuts along its side :o( It squeezed through a hole in the fence and got to the neighbor's yard, but that poor thing!
I had to rush out because I had to drive up to Fort Hood for our monthly FRG meeting. We had a good turn out only because most of those who showed up were soldiers and it's mandatory for them. I let Steve's mom facilitate this month's meeting since I missed the battalion FRG meeting this month and we usually just reiterate what was talked about there. And I got pinched for not wearing green!
I decided against going to work on the rental house tonight because we got out at 8pm and it wouldnt leave me much time so I just went home.
As I pulled up in the drive way, I saw the same black cat that was in our back yard earlier. I snapped a pic and really got to see the damages...I wonder if someone else's dog had mauled it? another cat? a person? or maybe it's from surgery?? I have no idea. It seemed pretty friendly, yet guarded because it'd get pretty close and then run away. I dont know if it's a stray or maybe a neighbor's cat? Maybe I'll post a message on the community message board. Hopefully its owner, if it has one, will claim him/her soon...
EDIT: I called animal control and was told that their officers head home at 6pm and they'd only send an officer out afterhours if the animal was contained. I went outside in a robe to see if the cat was still around, but didnt see anything. I was told that if I can lure the cat in the garage, they'd send someone out.
I also left a message on the neighborhood forum about this cat in case it got out some how.