Day One: Ten things you want to do some day. Day Two: Nine things about yourself. Day Three: Eight qualities you think are awesome in other people.Day Four: Seven (semi)interesting things you've pondered or thought about recently
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In memory of family and friends who have lost the battle with cancer; and in support of the ones who continue to conquer it! Post this on your LJ if you know someone who has or had cancer.My hubby's grandmother and stepfather died of cancer. My mother-in-law is a breast cancer survivor. I have a dear friend who is currently fighting cancer. My
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If there is one person (or more) on your friends list who makes your world a better place just because they exist, and who you would not have met without the Internet, post this sentence in your journal.
And also a dreary chilly morning turning into a beautiful sunny afternoon - still chilly after the few days before it, but lovely, and the recent rains have really helped get all the green and colors of spring going strong!