Mar 25, 2012 14:54
We shall see if it is better than "they have a plan", or not.
But I need to weed the closets. They're too full and some of the stuff I never wear. I also need to do some mending.
So the plan is something like this.
T-shirts - get Jim to go through his and sort into what he's likely to wear and what he probably won't. I'll sort those into a pile of worn or hopelessly stained to trash, a pile for an eventual t-shirt quilt, and a pile for giving away. I'll sort my own into keep, trash, quilt, give away.
Other clothes - sort for keep, trash, give away. Including Jim's polos and button-down shirts.
Mending stacks - fix or trash.
Give away piles - when we're there, I'll say something and if anyone wants to see if they want anything, friends get first look, and if nobody's interested, or when friends have picked through, that stuff gets donated somewhere. Not Salvation Army, but anywhere else.
T-shirt quilt online instructions suggest 20 shirts for a twin size up to 42 shirts for a king size quilt. I may also consider trying some t-shirt mods for shirts that I like the picture but not the shirt design. I like wider necklines than most t-shirts have.
One of the t-shirt quilt instruction sites suggests rather than using batting and a cotton backing for the quilt, to use flannel or fleece. I like that notion.
craft stuff