Very Short Fiction

Mar 09, 2012 17:22

Why Science and Reason Matter

Sure there were a lot of people protesting all the anti-science rants from politicians and there were people complaining how they wanted to take us back to the fifteenth century. Or fourteenth. I don’t think they really paid much attention to time periods other than thinking of a point far enough in the past when conditions were, in general, pretty lousy. But those guys had supporters too, you know. Most of them will deny that these days. Funny how these things turn out.

And it was plenty obvious that something was wrong with the election and the counts were way off. But they still managed to push it through somehow. Most people blame the rich guys who bought and owned politicians. They’re probably right.

The so-called winner had plenty of opposition and even though they were going ahead with the change of command, nobody expected things to go normally. So that side, the hyper conservative anti-science side was out in force trying to drown out the rest of the people with their proclamations about values and faith and whatnot. And there were the folks out getting pretty hysterical, or so we thought, about how terrible things were going to be under the new boss.

But even the most extreme doom-cryers were shocked when, no more than a minute after Santorum took the oath of office, that unicorn showed up and impaled him on its horn.

And now we’ve got the Wild Hunt out and about running down whoever or whatever they feel like. I heard they found one of the Koch brothers the other day. Even a rat bastard like that doesn’t deserve that kind of death. And there’s trolls under bridges demanding billy goats and monsters popping up in half the lakes and Bigfoot still wants his Starbucks, damnit. At least we get a lot of goat milk and cheese from all these nanny goats.

Now how many billy goats did you need this week?

huh?, short story, writing

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