
Feb 17, 2010 20:35

According to Southwest Airlines, anyone who cannot sit comfortably in their seats is "too fat" to fly or should at least buy two tickets. Which means nobody bigger than my ten year old niece should be flying, since those seats aren't comfortable for anybody! I've heard my itty-bitty Japanese classmate complain about uncomfortable seats!

Feh on you, airlines. And feh on anybody who thinks the way to handle the "obesity epidemic" is by hating fat people. And feh on popular media that act like anything over size two is enormous. And feh on society that makes us think we should never be happy with what we have, especially when it comes to what we look like.

And you, uterus of mine, feh on you, too. Not because there's anything wrong with you, and believe me, I'm very grateful for that. But you still hurt like a sonofabitch right now.

And feh on the internet that has been sucking everywhere for me today.

I'm going to go knit.

grumble, craft stuff, body image, rt

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