
Jul 02, 2009 15:31

Where did June go? It must have disappeared while my back was turned. For that matter, why is it all of a sudden April or October and not July? Sixty degrees, gloomy cloudy, it sure doesn't feel like July!

During the heat wave last week, Spider was very much not a lap cat. Too hot, I suppose. So this week, she's been making up for lost time. One of the ways she likes to drape herself results in her hitting capslock, and a combination that opens new windows whenever I click on something. She does make sure that my hands and face are clean, though!

The other day, I was watching a bunch of old Michael Jackson videos, mostly from the Thriller era, and Spider was fascinated by the dancing.

I'd forgotten how amazing he was. He had the moves, he looked great, he had the music and the voice. He really did earn the King of Pop title, back when his music and dancing were more relevant than his private life.

I'm looking forward to the yard sale this weekend. (I wish I had a yardstick, just to make the yard sale joke. I have plenty of fabric by the yard, but I'm not selling that.) Hopefully, we'll get some money out of it, and reduce some of the clutter and stuff at the same time.

SciFi on Friday as usual. Bab5, SG1, something else? And next week, new Eureka! Finally!

The day after, we head to Wisconsin for a long weekend - coming back on Monday. Hoping to see the whole family, and of course hit the cheese factory.

Then there's a weekend that we've got free, and then the next, we head to Starwood on the Sunday. Damn, this summer is going fast!

And now I need to see what I can do with the Pit of Doom that is my office.

life, stuff, music, scifi, family, weather, kitties

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