Random stuffs

Mar 01, 2007 19:52

I've got notes and stuff to do before class tomorrow, and a bunch of other stuff I -should- get done tonight. And I just want to watch more Torchwood! Wah! Maybe I get stuff done and then watch more Torchwood?

I have no idea how many students will turn up tomorrow. Papers are due, it's the day before the technical start of spring break, and the weather's lousy. And they are allowed to email the papers. Classes may be sparse tomorrow.

I got to use the one sentence I know in Klingon in morphology class today. He even said we could create a language for the paper for that class. But I'd get way too into it if I did that, so I'm not going to. Don't have the time! And Tessish isn't that interesting morphologically for me to use the language I've already made.

It's even tempting to do Klingon or Quenya. But I'll probably do Polish since it overlaps with other stuff I'm doing - if I'm doing Polish phonology, it's not that big a leap to Polish morphology.

Then he put up an example of Abaza and man does that language look frigging cool!

I just threatened to tickle my brother long distance. He ran away from the computer. I'm evil. *grins*

One of my students is doing a paper on Chinese pirates. I can't wait to read this paper. She's been having a ball with it. I love that!

relatives, students, scifi, taing, pirates, rt, languages, linguistics

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