Various and sundry

Aug 30, 2006 20:11

What is up with the weather? It's not even September yet, and it's downright chilly!

Yesterday's syntax class was irritating because the prof had -not- prepared well for it, spent over two hours (with no break) repeating the same stuff over and over, and had obviously not read the syllabus he'd cobbled together from old ones before handing them out to the class. Okay, yeah, he got pulled in at the last minute (he's here for a prof who's on sabbatical), and he obviously knows the subject matter, but c'mon! At least read the syllabus! For those of you who got to hear the venting about it, it turns out that he really had not intended the bit about writing four pages every week.

Semantics class yesterday was good. I've got that one again tomorrow.

Teaching went well this morning. A lot of stuff to do in a short time, but it worked well.

Phonology dragged this afternoon. We'd only had one chapter to read, and I understood it, so going through it got really dull. I know class won't normally be like that.

I'm giving the syntax class a week or two (one class per week, meeting for three hours) to see how it goes. If the prof is still not preparing for class himself, then I'm seriously considering dropping. I can take it next year with the regular prof. I'd rather not have to drop it, but if the prof isn't going to bother preparing for the class, why should I bother to take it? We'll see how it goes in the next couple of sessions.

academia, classes, taing

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