Aug 08, 2012 13:48
Mom: Please, when you are reciting Latin vocabulary words and their translations, give the translations as meaningful chunks. Not 'coram' (pause) 'in' (pause) 'the' (pause) 'presence' (pause) 'of' (pause)-- 'coram' (pause)'in the presence of'.
Alex: *continues to do it his own way*
Mom: Sometimes when adults tell you to do something a certain way, they are just being bossy.
Sometimes when adults tell you do to something a certain way, they are being particular about the results.
Sometimes when adults tell you do to something a certain way, it is because they've done it many times and know that their way is easier or more efficient than the way you are trying to do it.
Sometimes when adults tell you do to something a certain way, it is because they have studied how people's brains learn to do that thing (for example, language acquisition or piano practicing), and are trying to help you do it better.
I have a degree in linguistics and many years of learning foreign languages--I'm not being bossy this time.
Alex: Oh.