This morning I had an appointment with my OB/GYN to get my three-month follow-up Pap, which was part of the post-colposcopy protocol. (I blogged about that back in September sometime.)
Because it was a work day for
d_84, and they're doing post-testing clean-up on their project, I knew he wouldn't be able to take the whole morning off work, so I took the kids with me to the appointment. I had arranged for him to meet us in the waiting room at the time of the appointment to take Junior Jedi to pick up his new glasses from the optometrist. Since both the OB/GYN and the optometrist are a 45 minute drive away in (Ritzy High-Class Suburb), I figured we could kill two birds with one stone. I figured that Sunshine Girl would want to stay with me, because she's been that way lately.
d_84 arrived as planned, and I asked SG if she wanted to go with Daddy and brother to pick up the glasses, or to stay here with me. She opted to go with Daddy and brother! Woohoo! Mind you, she might have thought that if she went in with me she'd have to get examined too, and since the in last three times she's gone to her doctor she's gotten a strep swab, five vaccinations, and a blood oxygen test, I don't blame her for not wanting to go to the doctor.
Because she was so cooperative, I was able to have a much franker discussion with Dr. L than I otherwise would have, and I didn't have to use anywhere near as many euphemisms. Okay, I didn't need to use any euphemisms.