To: Torchwood E-mail Group From: Harper, Owen Subj: RE: CCTV and YOU!
How horrible. Whoever did this really needs to learn a lesson or two about manners. I mean, that's like if somebody went and had sex on my lab table. Total violation of personal space.
*considers, leaning back* Let me put it this way. I would much rather it be the two of you than anyone I'd have to hire on new. Martha won't work cause she's a Time Lady now and if anyone catches on I've got aliens working for me - present company excluded, of course - UNIT will have a field day. *grins a bit* On the other hand, you've been doing a lot of studying here, maybe you want to stay on this side.
I won't lie, I love it here, but both me an' Tosh, we'd rather be where we're going to be useful. I don't want somebody to die because I wasn't around.
*nods* Still...if there are going to be teams, it seems I'm your only option for completely human doctors that also happen to have experience with aliens.
Yeah, definitely. *frowns slightly* I won't deny that you're needed more in Cardiff since Gwen's gonna be trying to run things and I don't doubt there'll be a coupla... mishaps.
To: Torchwood E-mail Group
From: Harper, Owen
Subj: RE: CCTV and YOU!
How horrible. Whoever did this really needs to learn a lesson or two about manners. I mean, that's like if somebody went and had sex on my lab table. Total violation of personal space.
To: Torchwood E-mail Group
From: Harkness, J.
Subj: RE: CCTV and YOU!
Someone actually did that? We work with animals!
From: Harper, Owen
Subj: RE: CCTV and YOU!
Hypocrite. :)
You better not have kept the footage.
Where are you? I'd like to talk about this whole Cardiff thing when you have the time.
From: Harkness, J.
Subj: RE: CCTV and YOU!
Why not? I have a collection. You can have a copy if you want. ;P
Somewhere in the city. Meet at the sandwich place around the block from the Hub?
That works for me. See you there.
*shows up later and spots Jack* *sits down across from him* *tries to look contrite, fails utterly, grins instead*
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