What would my fantasy be if I were a guest on Fantasy Island?
I've been contemplating this question for a while. I've watched all the older shows when I was younger and now I occasionally watch the newer (and very much modernized) one. I bring up watching the show because it has bearing on any fantasy that one would wish for, which I'll get to in a bit. But first, what would my fantasy be?
I honestly don't think I have one. My life is not perfect - I'm a freaking cliche' for sure, because everybody says this - but I don't think I'm wanting or lacking, I wouldn't change anything. I wouldn't want to relive any aspect of my life, I wouldn't want a do over. I like who I am right now so I would not want to ruin that.
I thought about becoming an elite athlete, like a runner or track star, maybe a pitcher or a home run hitter, a quarterback maybe. But I don't think so. Not anymore. I think there was a time that I'd maybe have that fantasy, but not anymore.
The best fantasy I could come up with was just spending time in a paradise with access to a beautiful beach and a mountainside cabin, both so secluded it would feel like I'm the only person on earth. But I can do this fantasy now. I actually do this fantasy now, with my own means, although the beach and the mountain getaways are separate vacation fantasies.
I think part of the problem of having a fantasy, ala Fantasy Island, is that it is short lived. So in my contemplation I took it out and made the fantasy permanent but reversible, so if I don't like my new fantasy life I can go back to the old one, but if I like it I can continue it as long as I like.
But still I don't think there is anything lacking in my life that makes me want a fantasy. Like the losers they have on the show, wanting to be a ladies man, or wanting to eat with no consequences, or wanting to go back to high school and be the cool popular student. . . . I know it's just a show, but damn that's sad if a person can get over being a dud in high school. I was dud and who gives a shit. Everyone's moved on and the most popular kids are now nobody's too, just like me.
So the newer Fantasy Island has a woman in charge. She's "Roarke's" neice and she has a side kick, Ruby Akuda. I think is was the second episode when Akuda came to the the island with her husband of like 50 years. They're old as hell and she's dying of cancer. Her fantasy is to live one more time like they did when they were young, just for the weekend. So she and her husband became young. She discovers that she's bisexual. She gets tatoo (ha ha they didn't fully write tatoo out of the script) on her back from a mysterious woman and it has powers. Turns out she can stay young forever if she remains on the island. Which she does. Her husband turns old again and returns home, she stays there as Roarke's sidekick. It's what the magical island wants, according to Roarke.
So there is precedence in removing the temporary feature from the fantasy. And so I think Akuda's fantasy is something that I would not mind exploring. The idea of being immortal is intriguing, as it is for most everyone I should think. But the crazy thing is that there is little I'd do with it. I'd most likely live exactly the way I live now.
My fantasy would be to be immortal so that I can live exactly the way I do now for a longer period of time. This is the craziest thing about my contemplation. I have a great imagination so that's not the problem. I simply do not have a desire to live any other way. I decided how I wanted to live my life about 30 years ago and began organizing my life in the exact manner in which I wanted to proceed. I achieved that goal about 18 years ago and have lived the life I desire, my fantasy life, and I can't imagine any other life. I'm happy with this life. I love this life. I wouldn't change a single thing about this life. I feel like I've won.