Jan 31, 2009 08:55
I want to write about my dream before I forget it all.
ok so here goes.
I was at college. Idk which college, but it was out in the middle of nowhere. We were there for like.. idk, a few hours and it was our first day, and then we (Shemallen, Rachelle, Johnathan, and some other guy and I all decide to go get dinner) So we are in my car, driving through a forest, and Shemallen says that she would rather walk. So I stop the car and we start walking along this river type thing beside the road. We start walking on the rocks next to the river, and then we run out of rocks, so we hvae to jump accross the river on rocks, and then I fall in an float for awhile. (the rest of that "scene" I don't remmeber, all I remember is I felt like I was dying) Yeaaa, but I do remember nobody saving me =P.
the next part. We are in a commons, and Johnathan and the other guy(same as the river part, idk his name, but he was/is a friend) are singing, they are making music. Everyone else was totally in awe, and after they were done I went and hugged Johnathan and this Other guy. Then they start singing again and I am totally just in awe also, it was so beautiful.
another part, hahah yay for three part dreams? me and all my new friends and Johnathan were in a percussion class and we had this really mean teacher. Anddd the teacher yelled at me and my friend that was my roommate in imaginary college for not knowing how to play mallet percussion.
haha ok, yea that's it! i forgot some details, but it was just so much! usually I don't dream, so.. hm.. maybe this means something? well... lol, ill find an online dream dictionary later.
Concert Tonight!
I just looked it up in a dream dictionary and
Part1. Means I'm not happy with my life and the people who did not fall in the water are superior to me for whatever reason.
Part2. I'm being optimistic and looking at my surroundings and I feel fulfilled by them (room of some friends and my friends singing, wonderful <3 it was so pretty, there were no words for it)
Part 3. By having mean teachers that means that I am not happy with my education and wish to advance and learn more from educators that care. (WOW, coincidence?! LOL)