Here’s to the nights we felt alive.. Here’s to the tears you knew you’d cry.. Here

Dec 28, 2007 15:39

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

The above lyrics have special meaning to me. I’m toasting something great. I’ll get to it at the end of today’s post.. All I can say is it’s news I never thought that I would hear and am SOOOO glad I have.

On Wednesday I basically slept in and chilled most of the day.. At night Bar Louie was closed for their Christmas party (and why weren’t we invited?! ;)) so Neil, Rose, and I met up elsewhere. A bit into it Bob and one of his friends came out and Rob ended up there as well.

Thursday… I bought myself a Christmas / Birthday present:

So I have all of these gift cards and whatnot and was looking over at for some ideas of the best ways to get COD4 and GH3… and low and behold I see a post that Best Buy’s have wii’s in stock… of course I call the closest couple and they all say no.. so I continue on reading the post for the hell of it feeling bad that I wasted a chance to pickup a wii at cost and not being forced into a bundle and they say in the Chicagoland area a bunch of Toys R Us’s got them on Christmas Eve and weren’t sold out.. I took a gamble and decided to call one and….. they had them in stock. Yes. I’m not the proud owner of a Wii and am about to piss away more money on new games than I expected. I’m ok with that for today is a good day.

*sighs* I let Rose talk me into a chick flick. I’m not sure why. I think she owes me a room cleaning or something for it. It’s not that I have the stereotype problem with chick flicks. Some of them are entertaining or can be.. it’s just that everyone that I’ve seen is PREDICTABLE. I’m not going to really talk about the movie past this point as it was overall entertaining and not badly done but it falls into the category and I have to rant about it since I don’t get much of a chance to. (I’m really not the typical anti-chick flick guy because it’s a chick flick… really I’m not…) My problem with the genre is more because I am a movie buff. I enjoy being entertained while watching a movie.. but half the part of being entertained is that I like to guess what’s going to happen and 99% of the movies in this genre it’s not guessing you can just tell. As the movies go along you just KNOW what is going to happen and that’s what kills them for me. I don’t understand why you can’t make a chick flick with twists or a surprise in it that you don’t see coming a mile away. Women aren’t stupid. (Ok we all know some that are but that applies to men too I suppose ;)) I know that most women enjoy chick flicks but how about a surprise now and again? Something unexpected. Mix it up a little… please… please do it at least so those of us in the audience who can appreciate that get a bit of a bonus. Again I’m not complaining about this movie just the genre in general since being single these days I don’t really get forced into watching them and haven’t been able to rant about them.

After that I dropped Rose off at home and picked up Rob from work and we hit up Bar Louie. Rex showed up as did Bob, his girl, and another one of his friends. Stayed until close (which was a bit early.. boo) and were told they should actually have invited us out
A free round and a cheap night later I had far too much off a buzz for how little I drank. I blame the lack of food that happened during the day.


EVE 6 IS BACK! Yes. My favorite band… period has gotten back together. I don’t know how I wasn’t informed or heard of this sooner. They are playing in Chicago January 25′th and I will be there and above all things this is the BEST news I’ve heard all year. I’m not sure if it should be but I can’t help it. Eve 6 getting back together and I get to see them again.. nothing can compare to that… I can think of a few close calls. What a messed up year.. and what a way to end on a high note. Rose thank you for letting me know about this… if I found out after the concert or after they had sold out of tickets I’d have been massively bummed. Tickets are apparently going on sale shortly so I will be buying them the day they do. Score.

movies, blog

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