sleeping through the day theres no redemption..

Dec 26, 2007 16:16

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

The holiday season was full of movies and a bit of gaming. Christmas Eve we closed up early but before that it was so dead Rob and I were able to watch the majority of Scarface at work. You know a nice lil 3 hour movie to kill time
Yes it was thankfully that dead.

I FINALLY finished Out by Natsuo Kirino. I’ve been reading this book for a couple weeks now and not because it’s slow but because I just have not had the time. Which is a shame because it’s enjoyable with a dark side to it. I have to admit the ending got a bit far out there on the belief scale but at the same time it’s easy enough to run with if you keep in mind how messed up most people really are. It didn’t quite have the noir feeling of the last novel I read (which was on the same list of dark entertainment to pickup..) yet was still worth the read. “Four women who work the night shift in a Tokyo factory that produces boxed lunches find their lives twisted beyond repair in this grimly compelling crime novel, which won Japan’s top mystery award, the Grand Prix, for its already heralded author, now making her first appearance in English. Despite the female bonding, this dark, violent novel is more evocative of Gogol or Dostoyevsky than Thelma and Louise. When Yayoi, the youngest and prettiest of the women, strangles her philandering gambler husband with his own belt in an explosion of rage, she turns instinctively for help to her co-worker Masako, an older and wiser woman whose own family life has fallen apart in less dramatic fashion. To help her cut up and get rid of the dead body, Masako recruits Yoshie and Kuniko, two fellow factory workers caught up in other kinds of domestic traps. In Snyder’s smoothly unobtrusive translation, all of Kirino’s characters are touching and believable. And even when the action stretches to include a slick loan shark from Masako’s previous life and a pathetically lost and lonely man of mixed Japanese and Brazilian parentage, the gritty realism of everyday existence in the underbelly of Japan’s consumer society comes across with pungent force.” Apparently this has also been made into a movie… sooo… time to start looking for a subtitle’d or dubbed version.. somewhere…

Christmas day was spent with much sleep.. waking up and sleeping again.. and finally ended up at my grandparents for the actual celebration. Can’t really say much more than that since.. hey it’s a Christmas family party what else can or needs to be said

After dinner while waiting for Rob to get out of his Christmas party Rose and I hitup Gears… which ended up with

Gears of War Act 1: Insanity. COMPLETED. 1/5′th done with the game. Ok granted yes… it was the first fifth… but still just awesome. When Rob got free we went to the 10 pm showing of AVPR

AVPR is about 110% better than AVP. The ONLY thing AVP has on it was the acting was’t “that” bad and the characters in AVPR were truely flat. Thats the main complaint I’ve read in every review on the movie and I’ll agree.. the human characters are flat… heres my problem with that. THIS IS A MOVIE ABOUT ALIENS FIGHTING PREDATORS. Who the hell cares about the humans. Seriously. If there aren’t space marines they don’t matter. I will admit that the director went over the top (and rightfully so..) I mean.. in the first 5 minutes of the movie a facehugger infects a 5 year old child. I won’t even go into what happens at the hospital for those who haven’t seen it but it’s just WRONG. (And oh so right considering that’s what this kind of a movie should be about.) My main confusion came at the very end and how they plan on going forward with the series with that part shown. I suppose we’ll see in a couple years when AVP3 comes out.

books, gaming, movies, blog

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