My Week In Review 7/29/11

Jul 29, 2011 10:25

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

End Of The Week Roundup: 7/29/11

I really have to say that above picture sums up this morning for me. (You can replace my alarm with the dog who wanted food.)

Between the storms keeping me inside, Leah’s schedule keeping me alone, and getting posts done at work I spent a lot of this week playing with the dog, playing Call of Duty, and playing more with the dog. Ali has been going NUTS with tug of war this week, possibly from not getting enough walks possibly because she’s just had a hint of madness in her eyes every day as I’ve gotten home from work. Madness.
  • Leah and I had lunch with her parents
  • Ali passed her Good Canine Citizen test…. barely
  • Leah got a promotion at work!
Wedding Stuff
  • Some invitations went out
  • Some initial groundwork on a DJ was done

  • Added Google Plus links to staff members on Buy Zombie’s About Page
  • Updated a few areas of Riot Noise that were long overdue. I still need to replace the Friends section on there as it’s all about the social networking these days though I’m not sure which sites/section to add in yet

  • Watched Ghosts Don’t Exist
  • Watched Husk

My Writing

(I think my dog could do this if she wasn’t terrified of crates)


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