My Week In Review 7/22/11

Jul 22, 2011 13:22

Originally published at Please leave any comments there.

End Of The Week Roundup: 7/22/11

Dog week. That’s what I shall call this week. Dog week. Between tons and tons of training, 2 classes, tons of playing, and the monster coming up on our bed last night it’s been all about Ali all week. Yea. We spoil our dog.
  • Leah and I had brunch with both of our parents on Saturday and sneaked in some wedding talk
  • We also had dinner and drinks with Neil at Tap House
  • Ali has both her last official training class AND I took her in for another one since we had an open spot to fill
  • Tried on a tux for Misa’s wedding. Damn I forgot how much of a pimp I can be… though I need to drop 10 pounds or so
  • Leah didn’t notice the look of crazy in Ali’s eyes and got her to jump on the bed and didn’t have the heart to kick her off. We must make sure this does not become habit but oh wow is our dog adorable

Wedding Stuff
  • Invitations were worked on
  • Started narrowing down some of the last ‘stuff’

  • Replaced Wordbooker with Add Link to Facebook on my websites, Facebook updated are automated once more
  • The artist that was working on BZ 3.0 (actually I think it’s 4.0 now but.. whatever) is not going to be able to finish it. Time to find someone else

  • Watched Sucker Punch
  • Watched Nowhere Boy
  • Watched The Fog
  • Watched Deadtime Stories: Volume 1
  • Read iZombie: Dead to the World
My Writing


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