Sep 30, 2009 20:06
Today I planted some daffodil bulbs and crocus corms in pots to "force" indoors over the winter. The pots are now sitting happy in the fridge, and will hopefully germinate within a few weeks.
I also put 8 or so crocus bulbs in some of the holes in the lawn I made with the manual aerator, so in Spring I'll have crocuses growing up through the lawn :)
I still have tulips, and more daffys & crocuses to plant in the gardens sometime soon. I was hoping to dig up and turn that whole new garden I started this year, but my sunflowers and stuff are still there so I can't disturb it yet. Also in my original garden, I have too many lilies, and they are all crowded, so I need to dig them up and move half of them. Not sure what to do with it all..