Free and clear this week...or is it?
Sunrise in Solace, and it's another week!
You wake up, and...
You have the urge to sing.
You have the urge to dance.
You have the urge to climb to the highest room in the tallest tower!
That's right, folks. You've been dreaming of a true love's kiss. And a prince--or princess!--that goes along with that.
That's any fairytale at any price for anybody. This includes OCs.
It's getting warm, with mild and sunny days.
Note that the
locations post is getting revamped, and as a note the ship is now docked. Foreigners have free rooms in the Rosewall Inn (although they can go elsewhere if they wish), and Turncoats are housed with the Avaticans at the Generals' Estate.
Also! The most recent
Activity Check serves as a save point: that is, anything that's happened up to that point, your character will recall if they die and are respawned. We'll be having those monthly in the future, so be sure you hit them.
Questions/comments/concerns? Feel free to hit us up here!