All About Happiness

May 22, 2006 15:37

Originally published at CityFlowerGirl. You can comment here or there.

Being happy is totally important for many reasons. Happiness increases your self-confidence which can make you physically more attractive and generally better, faster, and stronger by way of positive thinking. Happiness also makes other people flock to you socially because everyone want to be around someone who is happy! Wouldn’t you?

Here are some quick tips to help you get and stay happier so that you too can live a more awesome and fulfilling life!
  • Open Your Mind
    The more accepting you are of the possibilities life could throw at you, the more likely you are to look at every new change with a positive outlook. Many people are afraid of change and it stresses them out - causing them to become unhappy. Don’t be like them and you’ll find that life is a awesome journey to be savoured with each passing day.
  • Stop Rushing Past Life
    Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it. Before you know it, you’re going to be finding gray hair, wrinkles, and aching joints all over the place (sometimes in areas you can’t even imagine!). Enjoy your youth and you will not only be enjoying every day of your life, you’ll have much more to reflect on when you are older.
  • Leave everything better than you found it.
    This means everything! Leave stuff better than you found not only makes other people happier with you but it also makes you you happier with yourself because in the end you’ll feel like you actually made a difference in the world. Try it out and you’ll be sure to feel like a million bucks when you’re done!
  • Smile!
    It seems silly and sometimes it actually is quite silly, but the more you smile, the better you’ll feel about yourself and the world around you. Other people will also treat you nicer and, since smiling is contagious, will often smile back.
  • Treat people with respect
    When you meet new people, say “Hello” first, never forget their name, and be sure to compliment them. Compliments go a long way and not only make the other person feel better, they are often returned. Never gossip. Treat all people are you want to be treated, no better or worse. Of course you might be asking yourself: “Why wouldn’t I want to treat someone better than I expect to be treated?” Many times it is considered polite to go above-and-beyond special treatment for some individuals, but it never ever helps you in a positive way. Very often, when you kiss someone’s butt, they notice you’re treating them specially and will walk all over you - and that’s no way to get happy! Never forget that a person’s greatest emotional need it to feel appreciated. Often, expresing you appreciation is a thousand times more effective than kissing their ass.
  • Don’t waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
    Always be unfront and honest when dealing with people and never hesitate to tell that special someone exactly how much they mean to you. It could be your last chance.

  • Whatever it is, if you really want to eat it, eat it!
    If you are overweight, only have half of the amount that you want. In the end, just giving yourself that taste of something good will not only free your mind from thinking about it, but it can also be used as a rewaard for doing something you may not have wanted to do.

  • Don’t compare yourself to others
    Never, ever, ever, ever compare yourself to others. You are your own unique individual and always will be. Very often, people who seem to have “everything” very often have many other problems because of it. Always focus on yourself and be the best person you can be and stop thinking about how you compare to others. You’ll definitely be much happier for it and will look infinitely more self-confident.

Tags: advice, life, teen, soul, happiness, self-confidence
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