dreams feel real when we're in them. name :: Ryan Sally age ::21 location :: LA!
dream a little bigger, darling. arthur or eames? :: EAMES why do you ship arthur/eames? :: gawds... i mean... how can i not!? your favorite arthur/eames moment? :: honestly? when Cobbs is in Mombasa and he mentions Arthur and Eames kinda gives a dry and bitter smile/laugh and goes, "Hmm... Arthur, still working with that stick in the mud?" your favorite arthur/eames quote? ::i think its everyone's favorite but, "You musn't be afraid to dream a bit bigger, darling" ALWAYS LOVES recommend an arthur/eames fic :: oh god... i have so many! i have a delicious account, http://www.delicious.com/naimu
you're waiting for a train. your favorite inception character (other than arthur or eames) and why? ::Mal, because she's bad ass. i think she really was lovely, but Cobb's guilt just tarnished her in his subconsciousness~ its a character where i go, "wow, i wish i knew her
( ... )
sure thing, love !! ^_____^ and gosh, i know its kinda wrong, but whenever i see that scene (points to icon) i always think, "... they should be fucking" IM SUCH A PERV!!! >____< !
You don't want to know, trust me. The face on the macro just reminded me of them hahaha. I lurve Jon Stewart <3 I'm going to comment on your jounal and friend you, k?
It's a good response for sure. It rendered me unable to form a coherent sentence really. ;~; Thinking too much about Ianto makes my heart clench a bit.
dreams feel real when we're in them.
name :: Ryan Sally
age ::21
location :: LA!
dream a little bigger, darling.
arthur or eames? :: EAMES
why do you ship arthur/eames? :: gawds... i mean... how can i not!?
your favorite arthur/eames moment? :: honestly? when Cobbs is in Mombasa and he mentions Arthur and Eames kinda gives a dry and bitter smile/laugh and goes, "Hmm... Arthur, still working with that stick in the mud?"
your favorite arthur/eames quote? ::i think its everyone's favorite but, "You musn't be afraid to dream a bit bigger, darling" ALWAYS LOVES
recommend an arthur/eames fic :: oh god... i have so many! i have a delicious account, http://www.delicious.com/naimu
you're waiting for a train.
your favorite inception character (other than arthur or eames) and why? ::Mal, because she's bad ass. i think she really was lovely, but Cobb's guilt just tarnished her in his subconsciousness~ its a character where i go, "wow, i wish i knew her ( ... )
Friends y/n?
and gosh, i know its kinda wrong, but whenever i see that scene (points to icon) i always think, "... they should be fucking" IM SUCH A PERV!!! >____< !
>______< and i LOVE your icon! awe john stewart~
;____; oh ianto~
;~; Thinking too much about Ianto makes my heart clench a bit.
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