if you don't know how a friending meme works, you simply copy the questions from the scrollbox below, answer them in a comment and voila you can start making new friends. you can never have enough arthur/eames friends. ♥
dreams feel real when we're in them.
name ::
age ::
location ::
dream a little bigger, darling.
arthur or eames? ::
why do you ship arthur/eames? ::
your favorite arthur/eames moment? ::
your favorite arthur/eames quote? ::
recommend an arthur/eames fic ::
you're waiting for a train.
your favorite inception character (other than arthur or eames) and why? ::
your favorite pairing other than arthur/eames? ::
if you were part of the team would you be the extracter, the point man, the architect or the forger or the chemist? ::
what would your totem be? ::
your favorite inception quote? ::
your favorite inception scene? ::
come back to reality.
favorite tv shows ::
favorite movies ::
favorite pairings ::
what is the status of your journal (friend locked, open etc.) ::
anything else you'd like to share ::