im gettin tired of yo shit. . .

May 09, 2003 17:12

holy fuckin shit my grandpa is such an ass. ok i was gunna go to this party with this guy i met at mr raggs and i was gunna have this otha kid i werk wit cum 2 since i didnt know if this otha cat was a shady dude, so i was all cool gunna go to a party my mom said it was cool so i go to tell my grandpa n he said no, even tho i told him mom said yes so i call her to tell her hes being an ass n she talks to him n he still says not, so i go fine since i cant go to the party imma go to a movie with this kid aaron, he werks at aunt laurayne's store, she knows him. hes like no i dont know him n i dont care if she knows him, i dont so no youre not going im like wtf, so imma have her try to get him to give but serisouly if i dont get to go anywhere tonight imma fuckin picht a fuckin fit, its on thing when he messes up m shit like with the friends tape but when he starts fuckin wit my freedom which i have rightfully earned imma fuck go crazy, hes been pissin me the fuck off a lot lately as it is, but all that was basically just annoyin bullshti but now hes playin wit fire n if he really keeps up hes gunna get burnt, n i dont wanna cuz hes old n itll be kinda sad to embarrass an old man like that but serisouly hes gunna push me too far, but serisouly like the only person i like otha than my mom n kerry in my fam is j ery1 else really gets on my nerves or i have problems wit i mean i luv em ucz theyre my fam but im not really like neof em cept j and i really dont like any of em that much (sides j n my mom n kerry acourse) i mean its cool i geta see um n my grents arent gunna be round fo too much longa but ive gotten my fill of family 2gethaness fo the next 10 years. might have to make my trip to vegas a lil soona than originally planned, ill sleep on laras roof if i have to lmao. good thing i downloaded a bunch of erica badu othawise id be going fuckin crayze right now. grr he is bein such a pain in the ass tho, i am serisouly not dealin with his shit im not even kiddin, its such bullshit i mean yea ok i get the party but just goin to chill with sum1 that werks fo my aunt and has fo a long ass time? i mean that couldnt be any more bullshit unless it was like my brotha seriously GGGGRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! feel the anger/hatred FEEL IT!!!!!!! lmao serisouly i am like gunna bash him in tha face ughghhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fuckin aaa!! im so not used to this shit, i mean i not only had myself to take care of but a four year old and miscellaneous 20 sumtin year old fo the past year, i was the adult. i mean ive always been independant but specially lately . k well had to say that n there might be another update follwed by some breakage of somethin lata on well jus have to see.
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