two things are certain in life, death, and that twinkies will outlast you

May 08, 2003 21:43

You are a PROFESSIONAL Flirt!

All you need is a bedroom to change clothes in, and out comes - Superflirt!

You’re always successful and you always get your man.

That’s because you have oodles of experience.

Yes, you flirt full-time.

If it paid in dollars, you’d be a rich woman.

But it pays in other ways and you’ve got the jewelry to prove it.

You’re proud of your professional accomplishments, including the long trail of wounded men in your wake.

Nobody does it better, Honey. And don’t you forget it.

What Kind of Flirt Are *You*?

More Great Quizzes from Quiz Diva

lol see what important things i do with my spare time? quizdiva has some prety nifty quizzes lmao haha. my first day at the buckle was pretty cool, my palm were itchin today (good sign) and i made an ill cd yesturday, hopefully ill actually have plans this weekend, lol i such a loser. haha, really miss lex an still prayin that ill be allowed to talk to her, love my new hat, got my moms mothers day gifts all taken care of, hopefully ill get a new phone soon since mine has gone to complete shit for some reason. really need to get ova the desire to "save" (usin that term very loosely) people. i mean its not that i dont wanna be there fo my friends n fam cuz i def do no matter what but as for "certain" people i need to get ova that but ill figure it out. lol i love how ery1 is so adamant bout me comin up there lmao i guess ill jus have to. lol. nah ya know i really wanna go too. i am really diggin this ljclient thin thanx mucho
gbaby, lol i think i should call you that from now on its "baaaaiiiiid" lol my gramps is gettin on my nerves alot lately but ill jus have to deal with it, i know he means well but i serisouly just wanna yell at him sumtimes, but i really try not to cuz hes old so. lol ya well thats my entry fo today cuzim all preoccupied with my shows n whatnot lol. so holla i love comments muah one
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