The fiscal year finally ended at work, the weekend holiday is just about over, and summer started this weekend.
Cynthia Lord's hometown project helped me to get settled in and gather some perspective, my home is clean, *most* of the clutter is out, and now I'm settling in with my WIP, critiques, workshop assignments, and a stack of books that have been staring at me.
Here's my July reading pile that was neglected during the months of May and June, but still waiting to be finished.....
No, this picture wasn't taken at Christmas. I'm just a fall/winter person....
From the Top of the Pile:
Enslaved by Ducks: How One Man Went from Head of the Household to Bottom of the Pecking Order, by Bob Tate - this rec'd good reviews and has been recommended and loaned to me. If I had a farm, this would probably happen to me.....
Proof by David Auburn - read this once after watching the movie. Must read again.
Big Fish by Daniel Wallace
The Fortress of Solitude by Jonathan Lethem - one of my favorite writers, especially how he describes underdog characters and Brooklyn.
A Guide to Quality, Taste and Style by Tim Gunn - what can I say? I love Project Runway.
Hotel Bemelmans by Ludwig Bemelmans - of Madeline children's books fame. Read 2/3rds, finishing the rest of it.