We survived the cold just fine. It is very annoying going upstairs for all water uses since there is no heat up there (not that there ever was much of a heating system anyway....only one vent in a closet for the WHOLE unit), but the wood burning stove has treated us well.
Over the course of the entire week we never had to empty the ashes once....not until last night. We still need to run supplemental heat in the window bay and by the fish room when temps drop below 25 or so, but the fires kept us toasty warm even when it was 15 degrees. Extra points goes to
cheetah_fanatic and I for our EXCELLENT insulation job. The areas we have not insulated yet, which were the warmest areas of the house, are now the coldest. Nice.
The wood burning stove in on the north side of the house....the side that was always the WORST insulated....almost none really. Open eaves, leaking windows, HUGE gaps under and around doors.....almost all of it has been replaced, and much of it even drywalled currently. We really noticed the difference. Plus, of course there is the spray foam. Nothing seems to get through it, although we still think the denim is better at sound control.
On the 22nd we are going to see the Nutcracker with my mother (the person), sister, her S.O. and his three kids. It should be an experience. The cats are doing wonderfully, but we have had some fish debacles and lost a few of my favorites over the past few months. We really need to find a new home for mother (the fish) as she has now officially outgrown her tank.....
The current house project is installing marmoleum for the half-bath, then we will continue on the kitchen most likely. I REALLY want a new kitchen SOON.
The back yard is a mess again, but much more organized than it was this time last year, and the cacti re-potting project went wonderfully...the jade is even blooming.