News updates from the Save COH front

Sep 11, 2012 21:41

YET ANOTHER Composite video of now 3,700 heroes from the Unity Rally last Saturday has surfaced, this one in glorious 1080p resolution! Check it out in Full Screen and see if you can pick out your hero if you were there. Also, flying heroes with wings!

News update from the City of Heroes official facebook:
"Hi everyone. Good news and bad news. The good news is we continued to be amazed and humbled by the support that everyone is showing for not only CoH but also Paragon Studios. Thank you all from the bottom of our hearts!

The bad news is there won't be a Twitch TV Community Coffee Talk tomorrow, but we hope to be back next week! Thanks everyone!"

News directly from author Mercedes Lackey, who is in touch with former Paragon Studios manager Brian Clayton, who in turn is in negotiations with NCsoft and Investors to Save COH:
"I have permission to tell you this from Brian Clayton the former manager of Paragon Studios. 'please continue to keep everyone’s spirits high, let them know what they’re doing is important and let’s not have any regrets; for we know that we’re doing EVERYTHING humanly possible to right this injustice. '

There are very delicate business negotiations going on. One thing that will help is to continue to show that we are passionate, committed, sane (well, mostly) and driven to support CoH. We are exactly the sort of audience any product needs."

@FeliciaDay on Twitter: Wow this made me tear up a little. Gamers trying to save their game
Vetted CNN Article: Affecting Change through Social Networking and Virtual Capes
Brad Guigar of webcomic Evil Inc. makes a blog post about #SaveCOH
Massively Speaking podcast from Joystiq's Massively site gets downright weepy about the cancellation of COH, and the fan efforts to save it.

@Liz and I will try to keep everyone informed of the newest stuff. Hang in there and don't give up hope. We can save this game. We are Heroes. This is what we do.

save coh, community

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