Mar 04, 2011 10:56
I love my Storm/Electricity Defender. Is the second character I ever made, and my 2nd 50. I've got vet badges dating back to Jan 2005. So why, oh why is it when I join a PUG I usually get at least one person telling me not to use one storm power or another? No other powerset I've played gets so much hostility in PUG play. One solution is to tell them to turn off other player effects. The other is to bind/macro a text of "Don't assume I'm a dumbass and tell me how to play just because I have powers with knockback and intensive graphics." Neither seems effective; just get me labeled as disruptive for standing up for my powerset.
Sorry for the random bitch, I'm just frustrated and hoped to find a sympathetic audience. I mean Freezing Rain has a huge resistance debuff, Steamy Mist has resistance and defense buffs, the dreaded Hurricane used on AVs does no KB and DOES kill their to-hit (which makes defense even more effective, Tankers) - not to mention that on Apex it knocks swords and champions away. Yet people tell me not to play on the team or tell me to "Just heal."
Anyway I'm rambling and getting off of a discussion point which is: Have you seen a particular powerset that is greeted with near-universal hostility, other than Storm Summoning? I know some folks hate teaming with Blue Side MMs since their pets get everywhere, but that hostility is nothing like what I've seen with Storm Summoning.
powers: primary/secondary