A friend of mine saw a documentary on Discovery called Gamer Generation, which had a little bit of CoH in it. Unfortunately, what little it had pretty much grossly misrepresented the game, even getting facts such as the level cap wrong (they say it's 60). You only need to watch the first 3 minutes or so to get all the CoH bits.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOo_meLVxeA While I certainly sympathize with gamers, especially parents such as the ones featured, who don't have enough time to play because of real-world commitments, it seems that this person doesn't know anything about the game she is playing! While excessive mob grinding and ineffectiveness because of level disparity can be major problems in other games, one of CoH's shining points is that those typical problems aren't much of an issue. We have plenty of storyline quests to level and the sidekicking system was and still is a revolutionary step in fixing the level disparity issue. What the hell people!
I know it's kind of stretching it to expect a generic documentary to take more than a cursory look at this stuff, seeing as their main audience is non-gamers, but this just irked me because I love this game.