Hamidon since ED

Nov 29, 2005 02:16

Question for people in servers other than Freedom:

Have you tried Hami raids since I6? What was the result? Freedom used to have daily raids in I5 (with only 2 failed raids after two months), but since I6 hit, we only managed to bring him down once. Mito phase isn't the problem; we can strip Hamidon of mitos just fine.

But holding him is a pain in the neck now. We have Hami sitting in the Hive alone since last night; two nights in a row we tried to hold him, two nights in a row we gave up after an hour of trying. We had plenty of holders, more than we used to need in I5.

How are the raids in other servers progressing? I'd like to know if you're having more luck than us. Lots of people sent petitions to lower hami resistance to holds to compensate for ED, but the answer is always, "NPC is performing as designed".

issue 06: along came a spider, server: freedom, hamidon

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