✖ Dante ✖ Mission Five: Magic Bullets

Jan 17, 2011 15:07

[If anybody happened to wander into the bathrooms floor A and B shared, they would find a bizarre scene consisting of an albino idiot leaning over a sink with an array of pens, pencils, twigs, and pretty much anything that was long and pointy decked out under a running sink covered in blood. His coat was abandoned on the white-sterile floor while ( Read more... )

[ou] dante

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Comments 151

Action intotheinferno January 17 2011, 21:18:27 UTC
[It was quite obvious that Vergil was not in a happy mood right now. The blue Devil was still in Trigger as he fought off more of the lizard people. The fact that mother had been hurt was not helping his mood at all.

And now the familiar scent of his brother's blood was starting to fill him.]


[He cursed before he leaped into the air, flying towards where the scent of taking him. It wasn't until he realized that it was coming from the tower that he reverted back into his form, and landed softly on the ground. He sprinted into the tower, ignoring everything and everyone else around him.

The blood scented trail finally stopped at the bathroom. He only paused for a moment to see if anyone was about, when the coast was clear he slipped inside, and locked to door behind him.]


[He called out once, and took a step inside. Blue eyes met with his brother, a bloody mess on the floor.


Action albinoidiot January 17 2011, 21:32:34 UTC
[Dante was in the process of sticking his finger into the wound this time. When Vergil walked in, his face drooped as if he were some child being caught red handed. With all that blood, it was quite a literal statement.]

Had an accident.


Action intotheinferno January 17 2011, 21:35:19 UTC
[Vergil didn't speak for a few moments. He moves over to Dante's side and kneels down to the floor with him.]

Don't touch it.

[He smacked Dante's hand away from the wound, and took the bloody knife as well. Was the bullet not coming out? What was wrong, bullets always came out.]

What were you shot with? What happened?


Action albinoidiot January 17 2011, 22:04:43 UTC
[Dante twitched when Vergil slapped his hand away and followed his glance to his wound. He was thinking the same thing, Vergil. Bullets always come out.]

Th-That Dean guy. Dean Winchester. He's a devil hunter and he had this gun.

[He feels a little bit guilty telling Vergil about this, who knows what the guy would do if he ever saw the human hunter but he had to be careful. Like this Vergil wouldn't get shot himself.]

I was in devil trigger and I went out and saved him 'cause he was getting overwhelmed. He got freaked out and he shot me with it but the bullet never came out. Now, my shoulder's looking like this.


[Action] ...Dean has not got hold of Dante, but This is best concerned Icon I have u.u 100deaths_a_day January 17 2011, 21:19:35 UTC
[holy crap... He felt so worn and washed out. Normally a fight, no matter how bad unless it is with a certain travelling partner :|, leaves him with a little pep. He assumed it was because it was his first since the one with Lightning, and the first since arriving where his life was in serious danger.]

[He walked in on Dante, and saw the blood. He forgot about his own fatigue, and was instantly concerned for him. He checked him over for any other injuries from afar, but it was just that damned area that he could see injured.]

Dude, What happened?


[Action] It's proof Dean cares about SOMETHING, selfish brat :| albinoidiot January 17 2011, 21:44:19 UTC
[And there was a quick jerk when he heard Dean's voice. Was that fear? Of course not, the guy just appeared out of nowhere, is all.]

I'm fine, man. Got surprised, nothing serious.



Re: [Action] x.x He cares T-----T 100deaths_a_day January 17 2011, 21:55:38 UTC
Not serious? It looks like you've been freaking poisoned or something. [He takes a step towards him]

What did it?


[Action] :| albinoidiot January 17 2011, 22:05:57 UTC
[And now starts the lying.]

A damned lizard guy stabbed me with a spear. Something got latched in there though. I-I'll be fine once I get it out, don't worry about it.


[ACTION] goddessofscooby January 17 2011, 22:00:34 UTC
[She'd been in the girls bathrooms for a while. Just letting the water run over her body. It'd been a tough few days. She was near exhaustion, the powers she'd been controlling, manipulating using had taken their toll on her. She'd used the time under the water to regain some of her strength.

Having dressed in fresh clothing, tank top, sweat pants, she tied her hair in a ponytail flicking the device on. She saw Dante's video and stood mortified. Her vision blurred with tears and she ran out of the bathrooms and into the mens, not caring.]

D-Dante... What happened to you?!


[ACTION] albinoidiot January 17 2011, 22:41:19 UTC
[At the sound of Willow's voice, he turned his head to look into the mirror seeing her reflected face as she entered. He couldn't help at the humor.]

Didn't expect to see you in a place like this.


[ACTION] goddessofscooby January 17 2011, 22:46:01 UTC
[Oddly, she laughs, the tears falling out of her eyes gently. This was like the time Xander was making "loosing an eye" jokes.]

W-We need to get you cleaned up. Get that wound sealed.

[She's already soaking a towel with water. When Willow can't handle something, she does one of two things. Try to end the world, or fuss. This time, she chooses fussing. She's moving towards him to start to clean the blood off.]


[ACTION] albinoidiot January 17 2011, 22:58:00 UTC
I-I'm fine. Ouch.

[Mostly, wounds always healed before Dante could complain about pain but this time it was different. He jerked away at the soreness of it all.]

I'll heal eventually. Guess this is a good time to tell you how much those bullet's Dean's gun has really hurt...


[Action] blacklegcook January 17 2011, 22:23:45 UTC
[He was running down the hall, a spear whizzed passed his head and he could feel the shitty-lizard right behind him; he arches backwards, bringing a foot up--surprisingly keeping the odd balance--and cracks the bastards face in with a resounding kick. Tch...That would teach it.

He's tugging on his tie and collar, it's accumulated spots of blood here and there, some from his own cuts and some the lizard's. There was no end to them. He steps into the nearest bathroom to wash off. No doubt the smell of blood lure those things straight for anyone who was covered in it. Oh...Someone was--]


[He rushes to Dante's side, though he doesn't try to move him or prod him in anyway way. He just takes in the idiot's state with wide eyes.]

What the hell happened, a lizard? [He scans the whole room as if expecting to see one of those shit-ugly things laying around, but there was nothing other than Dante.]


[Action] albinoidiot January 17 2011, 22:48:50 UTC
[Now that the bullet had been removed, Dante was a lot more calmer. The fact that there had been something inside of him that didn't want to get out had slightly scared him. Now, despite the fact his wound was still bleeding and open, there was nothing left inside, just the painful reminder of why devils had to stay away from hunters. When Sanji appeared, he tried to play it cool.]

Hey Blondie, don't tell me you're taking a break.


[Action] blacklegcook January 17 2011, 23:16:53 UTC
[He frowns tightly; instantly annoyed.]

Shut up! like hell I would! You're the one in here sitting on the shitty-floor! What the hell did you do to yourself to get like this, idiot?!


[Action] albinoidiot January 17 2011, 23:22:16 UTC
Hey, that's no way to talk to a man who's been momentarily crippled for saving another persons life!

I got hit, didn't dodge fast enough. I'm fine.


[Action] mama_sparda January 17 2011, 22:27:16 UTC
[Demon blood is an amazing cure-all. Thanks to her sons, she'd gone from passing out from massive blood loss from the bite she'd received thanks to her own stupidity and stubbornness to comfortably sleeping it off in Dante's room for an hour or so.

After a quick change of clothes to get rid of the blood smell, she was off in search of her sons. It didn't take her long to hear the echo of familiar beeps from inside the bathroom. The moment she heard Dante's voice she hurried inside.

Blood. Dante. Dante hurt and bleeding.]

What happened?!


[Action] albinoidiot January 17 2011, 22:53:02 UTC
[Demon blood is pretty darn awesome isn't it? Thankfully, by the time mama had gotten there, big brother had taken out the bullet. He was just a bloody mess now.]

Sorry for worrying you, it's not as bad as it looks. Well, not anymore at least.


[Action] mama_sparda January 17 2011, 22:56:50 UTC
[She's on him in a second anyway, wiping blood off his face and doing her best to clean him up.]

Dante, you're an absolute mess! What happened?!


[Action] albinoidiot January 17 2011, 23:25:01 UTC
Well, it was kind of an accident.

[And he couldn't lie to his mother. He just couldn't.]

You know Dean? Well, he was in trouble and he's kind of a devil hunter and I was kind of in Devil Trigger at the time and- well, he shot me. He freaked out and shot me. Like I said, an accident.


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