✖ Dante ✖ Mission Five: Magic Bullets

Jan 17, 2011 15:07

[If anybody happened to wander into the bathrooms floor A and B shared, they would find a bizarre scene consisting of an albino idiot leaning over a sink with an array of pens, pencils, twigs, and pretty much anything that was long and pointy decked out under a running sink covered in blood. His coat was abandoned on the white-sterile floor while ( Read more... )

[ou] dante

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[Action] mama_sparda January 17 2011, 22:27:16 UTC
[Demon blood is an amazing cure-all. Thanks to her sons, she'd gone from passing out from massive blood loss from the bite she'd received thanks to her own stupidity and stubbornness to comfortably sleeping it off in Dante's room for an hour or so.

After a quick change of clothes to get rid of the blood smell, she was off in search of her sons. It didn't take her long to hear the echo of familiar beeps from inside the bathroom. The moment she heard Dante's voice she hurried inside.

Blood. Dante. Dante hurt and bleeding.]

What happened?!


[Action] albinoidiot January 17 2011, 22:53:02 UTC
[Demon blood is pretty darn awesome isn't it? Thankfully, by the time mama had gotten there, big brother had taken out the bullet. He was just a bloody mess now.]

Sorry for worrying you, it's not as bad as it looks. Well, not anymore at least.


[Action] mama_sparda January 17 2011, 22:56:50 UTC
[She's on him in a second anyway, wiping blood off his face and doing her best to clean him up.]

Dante, you're an absolute mess! What happened?!


[Action] albinoidiot January 17 2011, 23:25:01 UTC
Well, it was kind of an accident.

[And he couldn't lie to his mother. He just couldn't.]

You know Dean? Well, he was in trouble and he's kind of a devil hunter and I was kind of in Devil Trigger at the time and- well, he shot me. He freaked out and shot me. Like I said, an accident.


[Action] mama_sparda January 17 2011, 23:33:52 UTC
Dean shot you? [Anger flared in her chest. He shot her son, how dare he?! But then logic had to come a ruin it: Dean was a hunter. She'd once been a hunter. If she'd seen Dante in Devil Trigger mode for the first time her first reaction would probably have been to shoot him.

Hell, that's what she'd done with his father.] What did he shoot you with, dear? If they'd been normal bullets you would have healed quickly, right?


[Action] albinoidiot January 17 2011, 23:58:48 UTC
Vergil and I figure it's some sort of blessed gun, like those old fashioned banishing guns or something. He took out the bullet so I'm just waiting to heal now.

Told you I was fine.


[Action] mama_sparda January 18 2011, 01:09:19 UTC
And where is Vergil? [She turns from him for a moment to wet the sleeve of her shirt in the sink and gently dab away the blood on his face and hair.]


[Action] albinoidiot January 18 2011, 01:25:42 UTC
He went to get a med-kit. Said it would be better. Kind of feels good to see he cares.


[Action] mama_sparda January 18 2011, 15:28:08 UTC
He cares, Dante. He just...has trouble showing it. [She glances at his wound.] Does it still hurt, sweetheart?


[Action] albinoidiot January 18 2011, 22:33:30 UTC
He said he was going to bring me ice cream. I hope he wasn't lying.

It stings pretty bad. Nothing I can't handle. I think.


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