Day 291:// Windowless - Text/Video

Jan 16, 2011 12:35

 [Private text to Lightning:// "There was enough robot arms, right?"]

[Private text to Kisa:// "How are you doing? Are you in a safe place?"]

[Private text to Dende:// "Where are you?"]

[Private text to Gokudera:// "You better not bring dynamite into the building. I think they're already getting through the {ERROR ERROR ERROR}]

[Roxas has been playing delivery boy, scout, and keyblade warrior ever since the beginning of the invasion with no time for rest. Of course, when a band of lizard people scale the building and break in by shattering a window, Roxas is there. During the struggle, his communicator hits the floor and the feed clicks on to a storm of electric sparks as the creatures surrounding Roxas are electrocuted. Some of them fall to their knees, but a particularly large male runs forward at Roxas with a raised spear. There's a trade off of blows, the lizard seeming to have the advantage of speed for a moment, before Roxas lands a hit to the its head. The keyblade immediately glows with a frosty light, and the invader lets out a horrific yell before it's soon blasted through with a spell. Crystals of ice spread from its head down through the rest of its body, and Roxas kicks over the iced creature once he withdraws his keyblade. Shoulders heaving from fatigue, he takes a moment to catch his breath before walking over to pick up the communicator.]

...Sora? Where are you? [He takes a moment to rub off some of the invaders' blood from his face. At least his gloves are black.] You need a weapon more than I do, so come here and take it.

[He pauses reluctantly just before shutting off the feed.] For anyone else, the lizards are going to start getting in through the windows, so be ready. Find a security robot if you can't fight. If you really need help, just send me a video of where you are and I'll see what I can do...

[Private text to Izaya:// "After I make sure Sora's okay, I'm going to go look for the source."]

[ou] roxas

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