003 [Video] {Backdated to morning of the 25th}

Dec 26, 2010 04:39

[For once, this isn't an accidental/unwanted posting from Lightning. She actually started the thing on her own; and it shows her sitting on the bed, a blade in her lap. There's a sweater folded on the bed behind her, and a small stuffed cat on that sweater, but the focus seems to be on Lightning and her recently reaquired Gunblade. For those who've spoken with her before, you might see her sitting up straighter, like a weight has been removed from her shoulders. For those of you who know her? She is downright relieved. It's a moment before she speaks, though.]

Was I the only one who got their weapon back today? I don't think SAMM would do this just be nice for what happened the other day.

[And she switches to a more private channel now, contacting her people from home.]

Hope, Snow, if you have your weapons back....it's time we start training.

[ou] claire "lightning" farron

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