All aboard the Doujin Express! (part 2)

Jan 02, 2016 12:25

I have become an insatiable doujinshi-buying machine recently. I blame the fact that I didn't know stuff I was interested in was still obtainable, and I didn't actually trust eBay as a place to buy things until this year! Er, last year now... sue me ^^; Plus, I've ALWAYS wanted to collect Digimon doujinshi, so this is what I like to call "living the fangirl dream"-- please bear with me.

In case you missed it, Part 1 (four books) is [ here].

Couple of Gens and one Taito under the cuts!

Doujin #1: "Rocket Boys," by Akane F. It's small (A5 paper size), but it's one of my favorites so far. Very short comics, but beautiful art nonetheless!

...and I'm just now noticing how long Yamato's eyelashes are. Hehe!

I think this is Yamato? Regardless: wings~!

Beautiful Mimi and Lilymon!

Four-panel comic. And JYOOOOOU!

Why so serious, Koushiro? I haven't seen a floppy disk in a while XD

These seem to be matching comics about Hikari and Takeru waxing poetic about their siblings, only to find that such praise is not necessarily warranted XD

These pages seemed important.

Pretty Sora too!

This page was what sold me on the book. Umbrella scene! Just Taichi walking Yamato home after getting caught in the rain.

That might be the Actual Cutest Jyou right there. It's hard to tell, but he seems to have let Gomamon borrow his sweater-vest <3

Doujin #2: "Deep di Deep," by Maniac Nangoku and Yokoshima Eyes. Also short gag stories, also very nice art (I was hoping flashlight!Tokomon was going to feature somewhere, but I'm content with him just being on the cover, LOL)


Sorry! This book is Japanese only!/Sorry! This book is G A G only! No need to apologize, really!!

Pyew pyew!

A few pages involving four-panel comics of the Kaiser and Wormmon. Poor Wormmon.

Oh no! The Kaiser's in the real world??!

Throwing a sharpened stick at him, Iori? That seems a little harsh. Airdramon: *bleeds quietly in the background*

A few one-page comics featuring Kari, Tailmon, bicycles, and a peeping Kaiser?

There are a few pages that involve Yamato putting on a sparkly fringe jacket for a band gig. But the 02 kids are cooking something delicious and his dinner-senses start tingling during the performance, so he rushes off grab some meat!

Just help yourself, Yamato, no one minds in the least ('cept Miyako. And Daisuke) XD;

A two-page comic with some great faces XD

Doujin #3: "Netsubyou," by AtsuAtsuCook. A freebie!

Really like the color gradiation on the cover.

Oh hey look, it's Koushiro! Of course, he's not going to feature for very long :P

Pretty much as soon as this guy comes on the scene, we jump immediately to...

...yup, you guessed it!

There's not too much of that though. Most of the book is boys sitting around talking and blushing in their underwear XD

I also picked up "Diamond Hurricane" and "Gentleman's Alliance," which are AtsuAtsuCook/Summer Child collabs and feature a few more characters, but since I think the only person who is really reading this already has both of those, I didn't take pictures. They're really super-cute, though X3

Hmm, I might do a new year's post? But I might not. So if you're reading this, Happy New Year regardless, and keep those fangirl dreams alive!

stupid shipping opinions, comics all the time, digimon adventure/02

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