
Mar 16, 2017 08:33

 I just woke up from a long, involved dream, where for some reason my alarm didn't go off and I was hideously late for work. And I was mad as hell, because at the same time, my cell was dead (like it actually is,) and the landline wasn't working, so I couldn't even call work to tell them what was happening. I know the dream really only lasted about two minutes, but it seemed to go on foreeeeeverrrrr.

My house was overflowing with people: My dad (living), my mom (deceased), Brother, and my sisters, and some little kids running around I could never quite see. Also some family pets. Pretty sure at least two dead Grandmothers were in there, too. Middle Sister was in my bathroom, telling me about some weird hair treatment she was going to try, involving hot ashes (!!) I remember saying, " You going to cut off a finger, too?" Because it sounded like some extreme mourning ritual.

Considering all the dead folks in my dreamhouse, that doesn't sound too far-fetched. Man, dreams truly are Doorways Between Worlds sometimes, aren't they, where all the living things you love and lose come back for a visit.

And now I get to go to work for realsies. Ho-hum.

This entry was originally posted at http://citrine-too.dreamwidth.org/300340.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

dreams, my non-internet life

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