Unicode to show Kanji - Over the Rainbow

Mar 07, 2016 03:00

Just having a try of Unicode for Kanji and messing about with font size and colour. Got the Unicode from Jisho after seeing this page UTF-8 Miscellaneous Symbols with its little code editor. "The Unicode Standard covers (almost) all the characters, punctuations, and symbols in the world", read more here. On to my miscellaneous phrase of the day, hover over the Kanji for Hiragana...

Over the rainbow


虹 Rainbow

彼方 Beyond; across; the other side; the distance

Mini Off Topic Rant:

When I try to post a few lines to LJ I feel as if I’m trying to write a novel, I fuss so much about getting the spacing right, the colour, the words, it takes ages for me to sort out the merest amount of text, and that’s when I can concentrate enough to do it at all. Oh well, it gets done in the end.

Why bother? I like messing about when I can, and it’s a memory aid.

mini rant, kanji, japanese

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