so hopelessly in love with this world

Feb 11, 2004 22:12

Some friends of mine have being dealing with some nasty-like crap lately, and that's no good. One of the best things about being a non-worthless person is being affected by others' well-being. Well, it's pretty nice when they're doing well. When things hit the skids, it's all "Hurting is bad. Caring sort of sucks. I'm not going to stop or anything, but man, wouldn't it be great to be totally self-centered? I could live in blissful ignorance. I could be shallow and happy!"

But hey, I care, and hey, I'm not shallow and happy. Poor little me.

The thing with people is that they're made out of meat, and it doesn't make sense. The meat makes things go a little crazy. The meat has its own purposes that it doesn't want to reveal. This is a good part of the reason I deal with machines so much. Machines are pretty easy to suss out. When a machine (or program) does something nutty, I can usually fix that relatively quickly, but people - who knows? Hell, most of the problems with machines has to do with the people involved (bad design, bad documentation, bad operation). I'll puzzle for months, years over something a person has done. Hell, I'm still confused about things I do myself.

Much of that didn't really come out the way I wanted to do. Let me sum up: Friends good. People weird. Machines easy. So it goes.

I don't often post entries that are not public, as I'm pretty well resigned to and accepting of the fact that this is open to all. In fact, that's part of the charm. The non-public ones are more often completely private than not, dealing with things that are notes directly to me or something I want to write down and I'm not ready/willing to discuss with others. There's a very recent one that ends thusly: I often say people are stupid. What most people don't seem to appreciate is that I am not excluding myself.
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