Greetings Interweb citizens,
Thanks to J-Dog and the wonders of presales, I just picked up my 3-day pass to Coachella. If you've never heard of it (I hadn't until a few months ago) it's a big-ass music fest in Southern CA. How big? The lineup: Not *everyone* I hoped for is there... but I'm not complaining.
The tickets stung a little, I admit. The base price was $252, and with TicketBastards' oh-so-smugly-named "convenience charge" of $25 (I PRINTED OUT MY OWN TICKET... wtf does this get me?) plus an additional $8 charge, and then tax on all of it... the total was about $290. Yeah, I think it will be a good time. And for that price... it had damn better be.
In other news, I finally put up a website to house all my ridiculous random crap. It's a work in progress and always will be. The major theme is "randomness" and it's all original work (if you can even call some of it "work"). It's just a bunch of odd crap, really. Some of which you might have already seen. If you don't enjoy it, that's fine... be glad it was free and move on.
Very little real news on my end. My professional life continues to be splendid and my personal life continues to be mellow. Dating continues to be a flatline, and I've wasted more than my share of time trying to theorize why. What's the point? Theories rely on logic and if there's one thing dating isn't, it's "logical."
My car is almost paid off. Go me.
Next step: get medical insurance again. I hurt my left knee last January (here's lookin' at you, Mike) and it still bothers me. Gotta get that looked at.
The five-year-old niece continues to amuse and amaze. On this last Martin Luther King day, she let me know that "Martin Author Kane" was a man who had a dream that more people would ride the bus. Indeed, indeed.
Hope all is well out there in Utah, California, New York, London, Baltimore, D.C., and everywhere else my lj pals and rl pals hail from.
With gusto,