The Birthday Post / Recipe Thread

Feb 17, 2008 01:29

Please post recipes here. If you don't, you're not my friend. :)

I've just finished my 26th year on this planet, and the overall lesson learned this year was "success is rare, and is hard fucking work". See, this last year was one where things just didn't work out.

  • I dated two amazing women, six months apart, one a 22 year old WOW geek and the other a 30 year old music teacher. Neither relationship lasted more than two months simply because our circles didn't really overlap, if that makes sense.
  • Tried to be an electrician. CBIT paid for me to get my Class-M electrician's license, for running network and video cable. They didn't, however, provide me with any on-the-job training, nor make any attempt to arrange an apprenticeship (of sorts). So that didn't work.
  • Magic: Mixed bag, depends on how you define success. I did a few standalone events as well as performing at a restaurant weekly for two months. However, I wanted a weekly magic performance gig of my own. However, none of the restaurants I contacted were interested and I kinda got the impression that this city really isn't down with it.
  • Websites/Computers/The Internet: A few isolated clients, including a potentially large contract, but nothing ever came of that.
  • Working freelance: I got laid off from CBIT back in July. Since then I've been trying to work freelance, intending to spread my income across a number of sources: magic, computers/networking, and website construction. None of that panned out. I'm now looking for work with the WRHA, doing computering.

It's not like anything bad happened in any of these situations; I'm just saying that things didn't really pan out for me this year. (I've been feeling pretty down 'cause I've been stewing over this, which is why I didn't really have a party or anything.)

I'll have an unbirthday during the summer. :)

Thanks for the kind words and all of the birthday wishes. Love you all! :)
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