May 16, 2004 01:17
In case you have wondered why i spent so many years of my life "fucked up" on smack, i feel like this poem somewhat can explain it. better than i can anyways...
"I am engulfed, and drown deliciously
Soft music like a perfume, and sweet light
Golden with audible colours exquisite,
Swathe me with cerements for eternity.
Times is no more. I pause and yet I flee.
A million ages wrap me round with night.
I drain a milion ages of delight.
I hold the future in my memory.
Also, I have this garret which I rent,
This bed of straw, and this that was a chair,
This worn-out body like a tattered tent,
This crust, of which the rats have eaten part,
This pipe of opium; rage, remorse, despair;
This soul at pawn and this delirious heart."
Arthur Symons